Unleash your creativity with our Build-A-Bot program. Here, you can design and bring to life your unique chatbot, learning how to refine and perfect it along the way. No technical savvy is required, just a curious mindset and a splash of passion. Start Building HERE

Unleash Your Creativity w/ SICCGAMES:

Your Gateway to AI and Metaverse Exploration

Before you build your own bot, why not test ours? With Test-A-Bot, you can interact with our featured bots, ask them questions, and observe their responses. This hands-on experience will give you a clearer idea of what to expect when you build your own bot. Start Testing

At SICC Games, we believe in rewarding engagement. That's why we've introduced sRibbits, the future primary currency for the Songbird City Metaverse. Earn sRibbits for your captivating content, innovative creations, and active participation within the metaverse. Learn more about sRibbits HERE

Have a question? Want to test out our bots? Or just curious about AI and the metaverse? Connect with us through our Connect form. We're excited to help you begin your bot-building adventure and explore the endless possibilities of the metaverse. Connect Now