Artificial Imagination: Channeling Creativity into Chatbot Creation

Take Flight on a Bot-Building Expedition: Igniting the Flames of Innovation and Embracing Technological Marvels. No Technical Savvy Required, Just a Curious Mindset and a Splash of Passion. The Build-A-Bot Workshop: Beyond Mere Events, It Unlocks a Gateway to an Enchanting Realm of Bot Creation.

Package 1: Embarking on AI: A Gateway to the Future ($197)

This 2-hour session is the perfect starting point for anyone curious about chatbots and AI. Guided by our experienced AI Sherpas, we will:

  • Uncover the intriguing realm of bots

  • Design and bring to life a unique bot

  • Learn how to refine and perfect the bot

As an added bonus, 501 sRibbits will be sent to your Bifrost wallet. Details will be provided on how to set up the wallet and how to acquire the currency after the session concludes. sRibbits can be used in the upcoming Songbird City metaverse. Click the button below to learn more about this 'Unicorn' project.

Package 2: Advanced AI & Bot Building Mastery ($597)

Ready to take bot-building skills to the next level? Our 4-hour advanced package will teach how to create multiple chatbots to handle any future scenario. Advanced skills in prompt writing will also be covered. In addition to the standard features of Package 1, this package also includes 2,501 bonus sRibbits.

Package 3: Expert Custom AI Training: The Future is Yours to Build ($997)

This expert package is a 6-hour custom event where we work together to apply AI to real-world problems. We don't just teach how to fish; we show how to make money and produce output that will make a difference in the world. The training is broken into 2-hour chunks to enhance learning retention. After the 6 hours, self-sufficiency will be achieved and full capability of moving mountains with the tools and knowledge gained will be within reach. This package includes 5,501 bonus sRibbits.

Success Story: Meet Paul, an Aspiring Author

Paul had a fantastic book idea about old people traveling through space but lacked the time to physically type it out. After attending our 'Expert Custom AI Training', Paul was able to create his chatbot, DREW. With DREW's assistance, Paul turned his ideas into a finished product. 80,000 words were written, suggestions were made to improve the story, and it was rewritten from scratch into a beautifully crafted narrative. Paul said, 'The amount of detail and depth of the story would have been far too complex for me to write alone. Now, I just imagine what I want my readers to read, and DREW helps me create an amazing final product."

Embark on Your AI Journey Today!

Ready to unleash potential and revolutionize the world with AI? With our training packages, it's possible to write a children's book from scratch and publish it on Amazon in 3 days or less, find a job, or create mega content, turning ideas into reality with a click. The future is now, and it's waiting. Dive into the exhilarating world of bot-building, ignite creativity, and join our community today. Together, we will shape the future and turn dreams into reality.

"In our business, we talk about emerging technologies and how they impact society. We’ve never seen a technology move as fast as AI has to impact society and technology. This is by far the fastest moving technology that we’ve ever tracked in terms of its impact and we’re just getting started."

- Paul Daugherty, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Accenture.