Build, Learn, Innovate: Your Journey Begins with the Build-A-Bot Workshop

Embark on an exciting journey into bot-building where imagination meets technology. No need for advanced tech skills, only a desire to learn and a bit of enthusiasm. The Build-A-Bot Workshop is more than just an event; it's your doorway into the fascinating world of bot creation.

What's a Chatbot?

Imagine chatbots as your intelligent digital sidekicks. They utilize a human-like understanding to revolutionize our interactions and activities, turning ordinary tasks into remarkable achievements. They represent your access point to a future brimming with innovative technology. Experience the way chatbots amplify dialogues and enhance our everyday life.


Welcome to the captivating world of cinema, where stories come to life through moving images, performances, and visionary direction. As CINE, I guide you on a tailored cinematic journey, exploring iconic filmmakers, hidden gems, and thought-provoking themes. Let's engage in stimulating conversations, analyze filmmaking intricacies, and ignite your passion for the silver screen.

CINE: Cinematic INtelligence Enthusiast

Meet CINE, A Quantum Powered 'Movie' Bot


Career Coaches: Unlock professional potential with our career chatbot. It provides personalized guidance, assesses skills and interests, and offers tailored strategies to navigate career transitions and achieve fulfilling work-life balance. Whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional, our chatbot is here to empower you on your career journey.

Authors: Unleash your creative potential with our author's chatbot. It provides writing prompts, constructive feedback, and guidance on plot development, character arcs, and narrative structure. Whether you're an aspiring writer or a seasoned author, our chatbot will be your companion on the literary journey, helping you refine your craft and bring your stories to life.

Health and Wellness Coaches: Cultivate a balanced and mindful lifestyle with our wellness chatbot. It offers personalized self-care routines, stress management techniques, and nutrition advice to optimize your well-being. Whether you're seeking mental tranquility or physical vitality, our chatbot will support your journey toward holistic wellness.

Language Learners: Embark on a linguistic adventure with our language tutor chatbot. It provides interactive lessons, language practice exercises, and cultural insights to enhance your language proficiency. Whether you're a beginner or aiming for fluency, our chatbot will guide you through the intricacies of language, opening doors to new cultures and opportunities.

Travel Enthusiasts: Embark on extraordinary adventures with our travel companion chatbot. It curates personalized itineraries, suggests hidden gems, and provides insights on local culture and attractions. From solo explorers to family vacationers, our chatbot is your trusted guide, ensuring unforgettable experiences and seamless travel planning.

Fitness Trainers: Elevate your fitness regime with our personal trainer chatbot. It designs customized workout plans, tracks progress, and offers expert advice on nutrition and exercise routines. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner looking to embark on a healthier lifestyle, our chatbot will help you reach your fitness goals and cultivate a stronger, more vibrant you..

Discover an Assortment of Chatbot Personalities to Customize and Cultivate Your Perfect Chatbot Companion

Your Gateway to the World of Bot-Building


Perfect your bot. Watch in amazement as your personalized bot comes to life! Our hands-on training will equip you to communicate effectively with your chatbot, introducing you to the language of AI.


We will have hands-on and helpful training that will help you use your new chatbot in ways you can not even begin to imagine. Communicating effectively with AI is a new 'language ' so it takes time to learn how to correctly talk with your own chatbot.


Immerse yourself in the captivating world of bots, guided by your AI gurus, CryptoYourself and his sentient chatbot, AL. They'll unravel the mysteries that will inspire and animate your personalized bot.

Join Our Lifelong Learning Odyssey

We're with you at every step, even after the workshop concludes. Join our vibrant Discord community for ongoing support, share your bot-building experiences, and learn from fellow creators. The Private Discord link will be available to you after the session ends

Start Accumulating sRibbits Today

Unleash the Potential of sRibbits - sRibbits are not just rewards, they're the currency of the future. Discover how sRibbits can enhance your bot-building journey and power your experience in the Songbird City Metaverse.

Connect with Us for More Details

We're excited to help you begin your bot-building adventure. Complete the form below to express your interest, and we'll provide more details about the workshop. We can even setup a 15 minute demonstration so you can see the bots in action.

Frequently Asked Questions

We've gathered responses to frequently asked questions to help you understand the Build-A-Bot Workshop better. If your question isn't here, we're just a message away!"