[[ use this content at the 'Pilates trainer voice to text training routine'

Anyway, welcome to

me, one of my finest volunteers. As usual,

I'm going to bring your legs into

parallel position. We're going to start today with our heels pressing on.

Legs are parallel.

Ah, good morning on that yawn. I like that.

Listen, no one's got any injuries to report this morning. Everybody walked in here on a

spry. I like that. So we're going to go ahead and start just a nice, easy press.

Straight back in.

Peter Harelle, the spiner is going to be

woke this morning. We're waking up those

leg muscles off the bat. So we want to push all the way back out.

And all the way back in.

As you're pressing, kind of put yourself with a downward force

as the carriage comes in and you're going to activate those

chemistry along the way.

We're going to make that slow

or neck.


going to the next press out, hold it all the way up.

But only bring it halfway in.

Right, hold it. And push back out.

So we bring in a little push and a little stretch.

Then, and stretch back out.

Squeeze those thighs a little bit. Just to wake them up.

And as we come back in this time,

right walk your feet all the way in and walk the feet downward

towards the arm, towards all the rear feet.

But just into the arches for now. Just keep them to the arches for now.

And push out again for another day to end.

Or just give a little blood circulation into the bottoms of the feet.

You really want to get a little tactile awareness for a little push.

Right, so,

push down back.

And then,

allow the carriage to pull you back in.

Inhale on the way in and exhale on the way out.

It's not super heavy, so your breath doesn't have to be too forced.

The heavier and the more you breathe out of your knee too.

You don't have to remind yourself at this point.

Just come in.

Good, back out.

Now, on the next step, we're going to hold it all the way out.

And walk your feet down to the balls of your feet all the way up.

Before you begin to bend the stretch,

let's go ahead and stretch the heels for another foot bar.

You can go together for now or independently, as I like to do.

Little prancers are good too.

There we go.

And next time you bring the heels up, lift them as high as they can,

and you're going to press against the top of the balls of your feet

as you move the carriage in and out.

All right, so keep the heels up,

pushing all the way up.

Still parallel feet.

And then we say these things all the time,

and you have to remind yourself as we look into the workboat.

Most of the time you want to stay in that neutral position,

and that's where the strength of your pelvis comes in.

It's to maintain that position,

especially when we start moving your legs independently of each other.

That would be another one.

That's four.



And one.

Bring them all the way to the wide part of the foot bar.

This time your toes are going to be out, as they already are.

Toes and knees follow each other,

so hips are sliding a little bit front and on the heels.

The heels, heels, heels, heels, and feet moving straight out of there.

Hopefully you guys are doing this last workout

before you head out to the Memorial weekend madness.

Hopefully you just stay in local and more than madness.

Continue pressing out,

but rock your knees and toes towards each other,

and continue the push.

You don't have to stop your presses.

There we go, riding that horse.

Let's open one more time.

Knees and toes open, continue the push.

Now you don't have to do it like to keep the same hip location,

bring it in, and lift one heel off the foot bar.

So it's a single leg press out.

Hips are both still open now, so you're only moving one leg.

The other one just holds out that same location.

So we're going to press in four, three, two, and down and change.

Other side in, press all the way out.

It's four.

And then all the way down, both feet down.

And then last day, what you take, both feet bring all the way to the center

on the balls of your feet in first position.

So the heels are up and just finish with another 12,

all the way out, but only about halfway in as you do a little

dance or stretch, or if you do this.

These are slightly open as are the toes.

Pressing through the top again on the balls of your feet,

tip to it all the way up.

That's all on the way out.

And now on the stretch, on the bend.

Just four to go.

And three.

And two, the flesh will go.

And one, bring it all the way in.

Good, good, good.

Now hold it all the way and lower your head rest.

Breathe, baby.

So on this one, we're going to start with all your springs

and then we're going to decrease just a little bit.

So keep your feet, I'm sorry, not all the same springs we have.

We're going to keep there and then we're going to decrease

by taking your highest one off.

So that's going to be your feet.

All right, so from here, lift your hips up,

rolling one vertebrae at a time.

Don't move that parrot to get the clothes.

And roll back down so we're just warming up a little back

and then it's dead turns.

And roll it up, up, up, up.

Time to glutes in, roll back down.

All the way up, go up.

So your tailbone's going to lift first and return last.

So pressing through the heels for the arches of your feet,

which is more comfortable.

Sometimes you find that you're pressing down,

just keep the arches on.

Let me guys have really nicely high arches.

I'm almost flat footed.

But it makes it available atation of the lock at hours.

And press all the way up.

That's what you do.

Yeah, just two to go.

This time hold us all the way up.

And you might need to lift your toes a little bit,

because from here, I want you to press the carriage

out and in for ten.

Here we go, out and bring it in just about half way out

is good enough.

Eight, seven, six, five.

Keep those hips in the same location.

In other words, don't rise.

Raise them any higher while you're pressing.

You're still keeping the heels as fun.

Three, two, and the one.

Let's lower all the way back down.

All the way back down.

And this time we're going to take off that w

Springy down on there.

There we go.

So we're going to do the same process.

So this is kind of a lesson more than I remember.

So let's hold me to here.

There's going to be more control on your behalf.

Roll it back down.

Just two red on right now.

Just two red.

If you feel like your animal strings are going to explode,

you can put that last blue back in.

Well, you guys have done this before with me.

So here we go.

Keep the carriage locked and roll up one vertebrae at a time.

Roll back down, tailbone reaches to the mat.

Keep that carriage closed.

Up, up, up.

Roll right back down.

And lower.

You can stay right there.

And lower.

And then this easy roll.

We want some articulation with the lumbar spine as you need.

Cut your tailbone in and reach back down with the tailbone.

On this next one, I want to go to the lower half way down.

We have some great red there right there.

Right there.

All right, lower down.

And we push straight back down.

Even floating.

And we're fully engaged in our extensors here.

All our balloons and hamstrings, caps, even helping you on that extension.

Just four.

And three.


And roll all the way back down and the last one.

Let's take those feet to 12 o'clock.

Give yourself a little hamstrings rest.

Reach up to your calf.

One, two, at times.

Wherever your flexibility can take.

And on top of the front of the other.

Okay, so for now, what I want you to do is,

the place you're feet on the bar on the foot bar.

Right in parallel position, we're going to do our old school traditional 100s from here.

Right, so with your feet still resting on the foot bar,

it's going to let you float as more on the upper body, like so forward.

So, feet comfortably right there.

Slide your shoulders a little bit further away from the shoulder rest.

All right, on the next inhale, you're going to reach your fingertips to the ceiling.

Stretched long.

On the next exhale, you're going to reach just over both knees, head, neck, and shoulders.

Hold that position with your upper body and we begin pulsing down four, five inches.

Inhale up.

And exhale down.

Now, with your feet right where they are, that carriage should not move.

So, that's kind of focused, helping folks on curling forward

and keeping the extension to the shoulders.

Down, down, down. Inhale, revive.











Almost there. Exhale.


Breathe out.

Breathe out.


Two to fill it.


One more.

Deep breath in, two, three, four, and fully exhale all the way to this one out.


Stay right there.

Ah, take a nice deep breath.

And go ahead and stretch those legs into our pulls legs into your chest and give you a little bit more massage in the word.

Alright, looks like we're already set up for reaching over your head and we're going to grab those straps with both hands for now.

So, we're going to use the inner loops.

Alright, so from here, legs come to tabletop.

Alright, we exhale, pull in straight down.

Exhale for the stretch.

Exhale down.

Inhale for the stretch.

Exhale down.

Next time you push down, extend your right leg only.

Ah, we're making you think a little bit.

And then the left leg.

So we're going to alternate that stretch.

Back up.

Down and stretch.

Up and down.

Last three.

And two.

And one pull back center.

Let the hands come all into the side walls.

When we come all the way up, we pull straight down to the head. Exhale down.

This time both legs can come out and lift both hands, extending down to the head.

If you can't maintain the neutral, keep your knees in.

Exhale down.

Use your part muscles.

Extend those legs all the way out and neck through the heels.

Everything stays connected all the way to the end of your toe, is it possible?

So don't just kick out, extend and stretch toward the eye with fingertips and toes.

Exhale out.

Just three.

And two.

And that last one, hold it out.

Spend the elbows this time.

This time it's kick and push.

And then elbows perpendicular and extend all the way out.

So you feel a little low to the mat when you bend all the way out.

So you did it and stretch all the way out.

You can even open those fingertips and stretch all the way out.

And all the way in here you don't have to have that death prep on these handles.

It's all connected.

Last four.

And three.

And two.

And last one all the way out.

All right, finally put the bar briefly.

Ah, I'm going right there.

All right, time to the point of games.

You're going to place your right foot into this big loop.

You can even just hold the other strap to your belly or just let it rough.

Usually remember that when we have tension on one side there's not going to be any tension on the other side.

So on the next inhale I want you to hold that leg and tabletop one that's in the strap.

The other one goes straight to 12 apart.

So that's what the control is.

Let's extend the carriage out and bend it about halfway in.

So as your leg comes into just over 90 degrees you're pushing a little bit higher towards the ceiling.

And that'll keep the strap off the top of your kneecap.

All right, so it's a small movement nice and high.

And back here, keep your work there.

We're toward the root.

There's a little bit of jazz.

We still want to bend the leg.

We just want to keep the strap off your kneecap.

So we bend and push directly diagonally out.

There we go.

And push back up.

A little bit.

And bend and stretch on the one leg.

You've got three more to go.

There we go.

About quarter press.


And the one now straight legs straight up.

One leg is down perpendicular almost.

And we're going to scissor down and up.

So yes, one leg gets the work, the other leg gets a coordination lower than that.

This is a little dynamic for your legs.

If this hurts the hammy, we did a lot of hammy work this morning in that first part.

So you've got the feeling you just got four to go.

And one.

All right, we can bring it in.

We can bring it in, we're going to switch it up so you need the other carrier.

You guys feel that? I'll leave this.

Alright, we start with bending straps first. One leg starts at 12 o'clock.

The bend leg is about quarter bend and we extend towards the opposite corner of the ceiling.

What I like to call it, bend and kick diagonally up.

There we go.

There we go.

Nice, everybody. Two-sided leg.

And three more. We go right in the scissors which we're already in the way you're at.

And two and one. Now straight leg. We go scissors. Straight legs left and right.

You can find on the provided side.

There's four and three and two and one.

Alright, bring it all the way back in.

Very good, very good, very good.

We cover briefly, take it to that foot on the way out.

Put that foot off of that for you.

And then keep right bend.

Give yourself one more hip bridge.

Just press down with both feet and lift it if something wants it.

Just again, to recover its addition to the end for a hot second.

If the hair is closed, then we roll down one bird ray at it and I'll turn it all the way back down.

Alright, we're going to take a roll all the way out of that carriage and hold the feet as a thing wall.

And we're going to start facing a way from the spring wall for a nice standing planker's eyes.

And we'll look our way down to the mat for other plank movements.

Make sure this trap is open.

Let's hold it over your shoulder.

We're going to stretch over your shoulders.

And as you stretch all the way out in front of you, this should not be on the top of your shoulder.

Alright, close, but you're okay.

Alright, so if you step forward one foot, you have a little more stability right there.

Open wide.

Alright, so we're still going to lean down.

Now see if you can take one little mini step forward.

That's going to load those arms just a little bit more.

Alright, the hands are slightly outside the shoulder and just feel that stretch come straight back.

Come and up right outside the chest wall and wrap your shoulders and repeat.

We're going to push all the way back out, body a lot in place.

Out we go.

There we go, stretch.

Now we're going to hold it all the way out again and just take the right arm out and in and in the left.

We don't want to rotate your shoulders.

We want to use the arms independent.

So we push, and there we go.

Just remind yourself of any event that is still going too easy.

Just step forward and just move on.

Alright, good.

Hands out the way out.

Now we're going to take that stretch, straight up, and exhale back down.

Just a little raise in your core reaching one arm up.

Don't take the other one down, just reach one hand high.

And lock it in.

Reach and lower.

There we go.

So now you're just engaging through that lower left-hissimus.

That lower pack is helping out with the isolation on this one.

Leave a lock in and back.

The third movement as you already know is the solutes from here.

So we're going to take that arm and solute.

Hold your hands and fire the chest.

Still have our lean.

I'm knuckled to the forehead and back out.

So just one side and then the other.

All the way in.

So we're just doing that like, you know, hello, we're doing that solute.

So between the index finger and the thumb, at that same spot we're just isolating left and right.

Same position with the body.

We just got four and three.

And one, take a quick step back.

We're going to repeat all those just one more time.

That'll give you a little move.

And this time we're going to keep our leg in the dual wall and we're not going to isolate.

But I want you to take one more step, one more inch forward.

Now you're going to really feel that tangent.

So keep your lean angle.

Here we go.

Open, exhale straight back up.

Open back.

And I'll tell you back out.

Keep the body doing the same thing.

It's been doing all morning long.

Keep it locked.

And that puts your hands back.

I'm going to hit it right out in front of you.

Last three.

And two.

Hold that out.

Reach for the ceiling.

Both hands up.

Exhale, back down.

Inhale to lift.

Exhale down.

Don't reach past your ears.

Exhale down.

Keep the arms locked in place.


Just four to go.



And they'll reach two.

And one.

Hold it out in front.

Now index finger and thumb right out in front of you.

Those triceps.

Together, together.


And out.

And bend.


And just four.


Keep the body locked.

And two.

And one.


We have a lot to breathe in right there.

Good, good, good.



The arms should be woken.

You're going to take your body and turn this way.

So we're going to hold the front cable only on this side body.


So for here.

Take a little step here.


And just for practice today, take the opposite hand and reach right out in front of you.

So your goal is to bring this hand to that elbow or for our elbow or wrist.

And then bend those knees a little bit.

And squeeze in.

Kind of hard not to push in with the opposite hand, but you're really trying to reach all

the way across your body.

It's kind of the one-armed version of what we just did in our primal position there.

So we come all the way out.

This gives us a different option as we reach.

Now give me this two more.

Now take a little step towards your wall.

Turn your spring hand here.

Now we're going to press straight up.

It's a little bit harder, so you've got to have just enough tension to keep it.

So you might have to push just a little bit towards the midline of your body in order

to get that shoulder to reach with tension.

All right.

If you don't have tension in the cable, then you've got to move a little bit further away.

It looks like you've got to all have a perfect tension to keep your shoulders level.

This is a little bit harder into that shoulder.

You've got two more to go.

Hold it right here.

Now take that hand all the way down low.

This hand comes out and we're just going to do a side bend.

So you're going to bend towards your wall.

This hand is going to reach.

Spring arm is going to reach towards your thigh and your knee.

There we go.

That should feel much better.

Reach low.


And reach.

Exhale on the bend.

There we go.



There we go.

There's even a little bit more bend to hold your feet together and then just try to push

your hip bones towards the aisle.

All right.

Turn your body into a little boomerang.

Or it's like he had some work.

That's how much flexes the line.

There we go.

Last four.

And three and two and one.

Now we're going to take that same arm, let go over cable, turn towards the wall.

Hold the other cable with the same arm.

So we're going to do single arm rowing.

So you're still facing the wall.

So let's see if it's still on this side, it's in your right hand.

You're going to draw backwards with your right foot.

So you're left hand on this side.

You're going to step back with your left foot.

And over opposite, but all we're going to do is say arm.

Same arm.

Same arm.

So we're just going to single arm rowing straight back.

And as you roll, you can actually turn in that same direction and look towards that wall.

So you've got to turn back, throw back, stretch it.

I know if it's a little confusing, but we're on the same arm and takes as many as you want

to rotate.

And then you've got to step back and roll.

And you can even bend that back knee just a little bit more control or practicing your


There we go.

That's it.

So rotation, going up until the rib cage, just four to go.

I do want you to pull first and rotate second.

All right?

So just a little reminder of which muscle you're working from the last from the posterior toe

to the shoulder.

All right.

From there, all the back into the wall.

Keep that cable squishy and turn facing.

We're just going to pull it twice.

All right.

Same thing.

We're going to start with the lower bone leg up.

And back.

All right.

And that's the way you bend.

I see it.

It's a little bit more neutral.

I see it.

It's a little bit more neutral.

I see it.

I see it.

I see it.

I see it.

I see it.

There we go.

The elbow's arm's working.

You feel the shoulders, too, yes.

One of the back.

All the way across.

All the way in.

All the way across.

All the way across.

All the way across.

Last three.

And two.

And one.

Now step a little closer.

Whenever you're doing our pushing, eight pushing movement,

the shoulders affect all work together.

So even though we're working shoulders,

you've got to use that core stability to stay aligned with the body.

All right.

Here we go.

Push up.

So there's all kinds of variations.

Raise your hand if you have any questions.


We're reaching out.

You don't really have to bend too much in the torso on this one,

because your obliques have to stay aligned just to reach hands up and over the head.

And reach.

But even though it needs a little bit,

it will end that way.


And two.

And one.

All right.

Same hand as first stretching down.

Other hand is optional up.

Pushing down towards the knee.

Winding up then.

Come here.

It's nice your body weight gets it.

It helps you stretch towards the mirror of your head.

Exhale down.

One, two, two, one, rings.

Bend your torso.

Bend your torso.

This is four.

Bend three.

Bend three.

And one.


All right.

From there, face the wall against which handles.

You don't necessarily have to.

No, don't switch hands.

This is what we're going to do.

It's really.

It's just you have more room on that side.

So we're going to, if it's in your left hand, step back with your left foot.

There we go.

Hold here.


Look towards the new glottie side.


And pull.



And pull.

And push.

And pull.

There we go.

This is four to go.

We're going to stay right here, by the way, and create.


And one.

Now grab the other handle while you're still square for that.

So we're going to hold both handles again.

We're going to add a little biceps to the equation.

So for you to do this, though, we're going to make you do a little mini squats.

So before we do this squats, palm facing up.

Step a little bit further forward and load your arms here.

Once they're loaded, step back just an inch or two.

Lift your heels just a wee bit.

And a squat.

Now stand.

So we're just holding the biceps isoplegedly as you squat.

Slide down that imaginary wall.

Down and up and up.

So if you're a dancer, as tight as you can stay on your toes and stay in that first position,

which is heels towards each other.

And it shows up.

If you want to just stay a little more athletic, then climb.

You can keep your feet apart.

But just keep your shoulders back on the squat.

We have five.


You're ready to hold three.


Hold this one down a little bit.

When I hold it right there, now extend your right arm.

And then the left.

Keep your body low.

Right and the left.

Right and the left.

For that burn, we got four.



And one.

All right.


Let those babies go.

Oh, at a right turn facing the aisle.

We're going to do just a little bit of planter size down on this face down.

So if you have a wrist issue, you can always drop in a low plank.

So what you can do is start off on your hands and knees on the mat.

And I'll just need 30 seconds of your time.

So it's about endurance training and training that core to work.

So on the next exhale, you're going to extend your right leg and then the left.

And we are just holding right there, starting right now to hold.

Sometimes I use my wrist.

I make a little fist with both sides.

If you're wrist-

This is kind of just set your whole body up for different movements that we're going to do from here to now.

Rock the way.

15 seconds.

And then you're going to come back up to your feet and we're walking into short boxes which means you get the legus perpendicular across your head.

And then you're going to come back up to your feet and then you're going to come back up to the mat.

And you're going to come back up to the mat.

And then you're going to come back up to the mat.

In addition, we have one more choice here, equation.

We have a simple square here where steering wheel is going to do back a little bit.

When you're loaded, you're not going to touch anything but for now, we're going to keep your driving in the steering wheel right in front of you as we go into an exercise on rounded back and straight back.

So your first thing to do is take all of the lift and roll your head.

When I'm rolling your torso, reach your head and from this first stretch, you're just going to reach kind of over the foot bar and round your back forward.

And then roll back up until you get stuck.

Exhale, reach and round, inhale back up.

And then you're going to turn your hands right in front of you.

And come back up and as you come up, you can lift and that's going to help articulate that spine round and lift back up.

And back up to go. Just three more to go. As we go round and back up.

One round on the way down. So now a challenge when we have a straight back is to really keep your shoulders square as you begin to lean left and right.

And then before we do anything, we're going to start by that stretch right again. This time you stay in the same spot. Do not go all the way back.

Inhale straight. Exhale, come back in. Two more to go. Inhale straight back. Exhale up. Inhale back.

All right, now hold the vertical. Now you're going to inhale back and lean towards the right corner of your deck of your box and come back to the center.

So it's just like you wanted to point your body in that direction. And back. And you're going to go over there and come back to the center.

Now as you lean, it's okay to extend your whole torso and rotate and reach.

And that hip is going to come up a little bit as you reach all the way in, stretching your legs with you on that stretch. Reach, reach, reach. And back to the center. Hold the center.

All right, so in order for you guys to get a little more extension and want you to let go with your hand and your not reaching.

So on this side, we're going to reach in point. But on a whole circle, sometimes we do this with a roll down bar.

And we're going to reach all the back and then we'll have to like cast a spell. We're going to use a whole corner, but we're just reaching all the way in towards the corner.

Look and reach that way. There we go. Right to that corner. Bring that hip with you. Up and reach. Reach, reach, reach. There we go. Good stretch on that side. Exhale all the way over.

Well, that's all right. Good, good, good. Stop right there. All right, so this time you're just going to set that down for now.

And turn facing the new body side. And so I like to just break one leg over the front box and we're being filed.

You're going to lift and your first move is to extend all the way down sideways and maybe reach toward the headrest.

So we're just going to stretch towards the mirror, reach toward the headrest, keep your spine straight.

Okay, and then come back to center. Counter stretch and reach towards the eye.

All right, so we're reaching that hand again. Here's our square straight leg. There's that straight body. We come back up.

All right, so we keep that same straight spine as you reach toward the headrest. All the way back.

And back, and you go. So this hand wraps where the belly is time. So this next time wrap the hand around your belly.

And then we stretch along. Right, so in this wrap, you don't have to have enough of that.

Ah, that's going to work. Those of you that have done this before can wrap instead of reaching to the headrest.

Instead of reaching to the headrest. You can wrap your hand around your belly supporting all of your legs.

And then back in. Okay. And then for those of you that need the extra, extra challenge, inhale and try to hold all of your weight with the weight of your arms,

stretching toward the wall. There's a little bit of work. Exhale, right about there. In that tension.

And back, and we pull stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. There's the forearm arms right here. Keep the tension here. Last one all the back up.

Last one all the way back down. Over there at a little rotation down. And come back up.

All right.

Well, that was exciting. We're going to turn right into the opposite.

Remember, you start with a straight, a lot of work for the obliques. So we're going to start, sit right on the side of everything facing the way under that side.

Right, straight and leg. We're going to come back just a little bit. All right.

And then we're going to do that head rest. Now down in. Back up.

Start by practicing, keeping those hips square for the direction you're reaching.

And back in. If you're forward, you don't necessarily have to find your head rest.

I'd rather just find whatever is straight in front of that shoulder.

There we go. And come back up.

Reach all the way.

Good, good, good.

Come back to center.

All right. This time wrap the low hand around the belly. Continue your full body stretch.

To your side. Counter-stretch for the aisle. Remember, counter-stretch for the aisle.

Give you a little quick recovery on this movement pattern.

Stretch, stretch, stretch everything facing straight on the leg as well while you're extended over straight in that leg. Then reach.

All right. It was up for the double stretch. Both arms over your head. Inhale first.

Exhale. Stretch. Nice. Go back in.

On that full stretch, you want to straight line between your head, neck and shoulders and ankle and knee.

Everything in that same line. Stretch all the way down.

Nice. There it is. Pull yourself back up with those obliques. No rotation.

Last three. Stretch. Come back in. Two. And stretch.

And one. All right. Nice job, everybody.

All right. You're going to keep your block standing and remove all but one rest.

All right.

So, let's say you were just on blue and it felt too easy. You could go blue on a quarter.

You could go blue on a quarter.

You could go blue on a quarter.

So, you could go blue on a quarter.

So, in other words, a little posterior tuck with your pelvis is what you're trying to do.

I'm going forward about four inches. Time for my band of shove-ups.

Last four. Three. Two. And one. Bring it all the best.

All right. Part one done.

The rest is going to stay where we are and just come into our high plank.

So, this is where you're going to be next round.

Now, from here, you're already out. So, all I want to see is about five inches pushing forward and back.

Keep your body from the weight down in the same place.

Now, just arms push.


There we go. Keep that upper body floating.

It's just the arm doing the work. Just four.

And three. And two. And one. And we cover all the way through carefully back in.

Well, that was really good.

So, we just have one more level to do to you.

Who wants any push-ups?

So, you have two options on this one. Of course, you can stay right where you are with your knees.

Kind of have loaded in and we can load in here quite connecting and staying on your knees.

Or you can come back into that extended position and give me one push-up.

Hold it. Only one push-up though. And then one shove. And one push. And one shove.

There's the challenge. One push. One shove. Yes. One push.

If your knees, if you're not like this.

If it's not, you can do it. Where you already extended it. Try this.

Four ones. Now, come back in. Just a little bend in here.

Four. Push all the way out of the forward.

Come back in. Drop to your knees for the one push.

Yeah, drop to your knees. And then push the ones.

Three, your legs. And then shove.

You don't have to correct any of these separate movements here.

What? What did that find?

I know. It's totally now.

Stay right here.

Alright, stop right there.

So, Lido, I have too much fun with you guys.

Alright, turn around.

Step to the right of your... of your box.

Reach your hands all the way forward.

And then you exhale and then all the way back to the arms.

Yes. Exhale, all the way back down.

Inhale, all the way back up.

Now, stay right there. Take your right leg.

Stand onto the next to your block.

And then, push all the way back into a ham's breath to that side.

Lift and come back up.

Head stretch back one more time on that side.

Alright, quickly walk to the opposite side.

In those two sink stretches, stretch the hips back.

Ham's strength stretch back.

Drop it all forward.

Then once we hit the walk up, it's a merry-go-round of time.

And then we just...

Well, thank you guys for showing up today.

It's probably something new.

Yeah, I think I'll just leave that.

It's a little bit surprising to be right back.

Go ahead.

Let's see.

You're on the street now.

You're on the street now.

We'll throw some cherry next one.]

[[use thes 4 as the 'template reports' to model the one you will write after:

Class Type/Level: Flow 1.5

Score 1-10 Notes: Class Format Exercise Spring: Notes: Time:

Introduction 10.0 Good job asking for injuries and permission for hands on corrections Warm Up Stretches Mat Standing spinal warm up and connection -great directional and muscular cues. .42

Level Appropriate (based on rules and stability) 7.0 Many of the exercises were above level - see right Bridges Mat Articulated bridges -well cued. I would adjust by starting with a hinge bridge. Osteoporosis and disc issues are common in level 1 & 1.5 so starting with hinge makes the movement more accesible to those clients before layering to articulation & when moving to articulation bridges be sure to remind these groups to stay in the hinge. 2.08

Moved Spine in every Direction 7.5 Missed prone/extension . In level 1.5 nuetral and baby swan is appropriate. Abs Mat Rotational table top and chest lifts. Great cues for conneciton of scapula and control with upper abdominals. Great layers added and cervical spine cues -rotation in criss cross 4.22

Used Progressions and offered modifications 10.0 Good layers and progressions throughout class Footwork 2RB Several variations taught - good active set up cues. REminders for nuetral spine, alignment of hips/knees/feet, good hands on corrections for feet/ankle alignment. 6.23

Warm up (footwork, bridge, abs) 10.0 Single leg footwork 2R Challenge at same spring, ptherwise 2R -very good. This is often compressive on the knee but the cues and number of reps was good. Great pelvic stability cues, and reminders layered throughout. 13.43

Strength & Tone (plank, upper, lower, side) 10.0 Hands in straps RB In the lower levels 1 & 1.5 we want to encourage imprint to stay out of the low back. It is functionally ok to work in nuetral but most cannot control this until level 2. Layers added to press. Well timed break to reset. In the hundred, the legs were extended, be sure to encourage the qualification of staying in the long level. If you feel this in the low back come back to table topNice solid level 1.5 series 17.33

Functional (Full, back) 5.0 Missed prone/back body work Chair series Chair single spring Great active core rolldowns. Good pelvic stability cues. . Teaser on the chair is an intermediate skill/level 2+. Could have been taught in a strddle for spine stretch forward for a level appropriate vartiation 20.11

Category Y/N?

Footwork Yes

Abs Yes

Bridging Yes

Plank Yes

Upper Body Yes

Lower Body Yes

Side Body Yes

Stretch (Lengthening + Centering) 10.0 Bridge series Reformer unknown - added spring Headrest down .Hinge bridge - needed more pelvis/spinal/anatomic al cues for stability before movement/organizatio n at the top of the bridge. Good job starting with a hinge bridge. Osteoporosis and disc issues are common in level 1 & 1.5 so starting with hinge makes the movement safer and more accesible. However, when moving to articulation bridges be sure to remind these groups to stay in the hinge. The Bridge and press can be over level 1.5 when the progression has not been earned. The pelvic position of most clients drove this variation in the low back - The ribs need to drop to maintain nuetral. 23.33

Clarity and control of class 9.0 Strength & Tone Lunge stretch on top R They struggled a bit with flexibility and range. This can be taught on the floor and one foot into the shoulder block other by the rail and both legs split - which is more accessible/more level appropriate. The variation taught is a higher level skill 26.5

Transitions/Flow 8.0 The transition from front to back & sidefacing to sidefacing could have been smoother using an "around the world" transition. There were a few slow transitions with equipment that took away from the working time clients have. Try to re-order around the world sequences and prep equipment Elephant & plnak series R In level 1.5, we do not do anything with hands on the footbar - planks, elephant etc. That is a level 2 & above skill. The control needed to keep the shoulder girdle safe and find the subtle movement is earned consitently in lvel 2. Clients struggled with the long stretch/plank hold series as it is above level and far too light on a red for any level as the standard. Down stretch also in the low back and cervical control. This entire series is level 2+. In level 1.5 we can plank on the reformer, but hands on the carriage and not on the bar. The cues were excellent as were the transitions, the exercises were just not landing in their bodies well. 28.18

Personality- Presentation 10.0 Great energy and intonation and encouragement throughout Arm sereis facing R Several variations taught - great set up and reminder cues, activation, alignment and movement, Instead of moving facing straps to facing away, you would have done a quarter turn to face sideways and then front to minimize transitions. This group did it quickly so it worked without the quarter turn 32.28

Full Yes

Back No

Stretch Yes

Side facing short box

Speak to the "whys" behind the exercises & how they translate to life. An example that I like to add -feet in straps/feet in springs - be sure to work is level 2 and above. We also want to gear out so clients can be locked into the straps more securely. Missed opportunity to do center facing abdominals. The box

Sales 8.0 move from glute/hamstring and keep your pelvis nuetral. This will teach you to lift with your legs not your back in your life. Tie to daily posture Short box abdominals All on box off transition took away from class flow without a lot of payoff on top. Consider making the series longer by integrating facing center core work. 37.32

Technical Proficiency 10.0 Outstanding cues throughout Standing leg pumps at the chair unknown Interesting leg choregraphy. The further away from the chair, the more challenging balance. In level 1.5, Clients can fall, so we want to give a touch point. I like to stack the box upright -end on end off to the side so the client has an option to touch for balance. 40.27

Cued for Safety 8.0 Missing some balance/stability components that would keep clients out of dysfunctional spaces - specifically in the above leve sequeneces . Functional

Attention to Form & Hands on Corrections 8.0 You want to correct, touch and adjust the clients with props when needed. Work on the major pitfall verbal cues (such as - if you feel this in the low back, be sure the tailbone is reaching towards the heels) so that way you can manage a group class of 12 Mermaid R Good cues for set up and lateral flexion -rotation added. Just be sure to layer in the option to stay lateral instead of adding rotation if it doesnt feel good today. 42.58

Creativity/FUN 10.0 Good interesting series layered throughout class Feet in straps RB? or RR? Great pelvic stability cues. Cleints often imprint in this level - so great reminders for nuetral and heavy pelvic throughout and limiting range to prioritize nuetral. Several variations taught & stretches added in the end 45.02

Appropriate Challenge 10.0 Fnal mat rolldow nmat Excellent mindfulness cues layered for full purposeful release. 48.55

Sign off (thank you, teaching schedule etc) 3.0 Youside thank you which was really nice. But a nice send off into the week - thanking them for joining, reminding name and level and inviting clients back to next class. As this was a live class, we want to get in this habit. Stretch

Overall Score: 8.5 On a very positive note, you have very solid directional cueing and a great understanding of progressions. You used three pieces of equipment, varying up the class and making it interesting. You have mastered the art of cueing in anatomical and muscular activation in each shape. The transitions were outstanding and the class felt like a dance. The warm up section of class was great, and you gave the members a really nice cool down, re-centering them before they left the classroom. The items that dropped you below passing were element of our flow - prone work in every class, an extro inviting them back but most importantly understanding the delineation of the stability levels for level 1.5 and 2. Our level 1.5 clients often have osteoporosis, disc issues and spinal issues but have built enougth strength and

Evaluation Legend: Score:

Development Plan Required with Master Trainer Mentorship Required with Master Trainer 0.0-7.0 7.1-8.5

Ready to Go, review feedback for improvement


and 2. Our level 1.5 clients often have osteoporosis, disc issues and spinal issues but have built enougth strength and awareness to graduate from level 1, or they are building the stability and foundations to graduate to level 2. It is one of the most challenging levels to teach because you have clients who need modification and those that need challenge in the same class. By using lots of layers of progression and "exit" strategies - to stay at a movement as we are building - we keep clients safe.

Overall you did a really good job, and you had a score of 8.5 out of a possible 10. I think with some more cue development, and observation of class levels you will do an exemplary job leading CP Reformer Flow classes. I would love to connect with you on the items above to chat through my comments - specifically ironing out the differences between level 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5. We are so excited to have you as a new CP instructor. I don't want you to feel discouraged, but rather excited to continue to grow!

Class Type/Level: Cardio Sculpt 1.5

Score 1-10 Notes: Class Format Exercise Spring: Notes: Time:

Introduction 8.0 Great intro including injuries -missing permission for hands on corrections Warm Up FW preset Great cues of breath, nuetral spine, connection of muscles and connection to jumping. Good continual reminders of feet,ankle, knee connection. Several variations taught -continued to single leg- great pelvic stability cues. .37

Level Appropriate (based on rules and stability) 10.0 Abs On top Ball in the inner thighs - layered ab work - excellent cues! In the lower levels 1 & 1.5 we want to encourage imprint to stay out of the low back. It is functionally ok to work in nuetral but most cannot control this until level 2. Great exit cues in the 100 - head down if in neck, table top if in the low back. 6.44

Moved Spine in every Direction 10.0 Bridges mat Bosu bridges with the feet on the bosu. Great set up and stability cues. Articulated bridges from pelvic rocks - solid directional cues with layers of connection, control from the glutes. I would shift to starting with hinge before articulating in you have clients with low back discomfort. We often have osteoporosis and disc issues in level one and 1.5 and this makes it more accessible and available to clients to "stay there" if it is better for their backs. 11.56

Used Progressions and offered modifications 10.0 very good!

Warm up (footwork, bridge, abs) 10.0 Plank variations bosu On forearms or hands. When on hands, I like to encourage to set hands in the front side of the bosu rings so the wrists do not get flexed back on top. Several variations taught with good breaks to reset. amrs on bosu can be really unstable for the shoulder so be sure to give option to plank on the floor, box etc for a more stable shoulder. 14.51

Strength & Tone (plank, upper, lower, side) 10.0 Srpingboard series Springs at 8 Lunges with rows - great alignment with hip, knee and toe, awareness of pelvis. Good coordination. 19.22

Functional (Full, back) 10.0 Jump series R Great prep and safety cues of landing toe ball heel, Several variations taught. 22.33

Stretch (Lengthening + Centering) 10.0 Springboard Yellow at 8 Arms facing away. Several variations taught - great set up for each exercise - good alignment and anatomical focus. 25.35

Clarity and control of class 10.0 Strength & Tone Ab work mat on top of reformer Great mix of visual, directional cues and well timed breaks/reset. Same notes for imprint to cue out of low back. 29.15

Category Y/N?

Footwork Yes

Abs Yes

Bridging Yes

Plank Yes

Upper Body Yes

Lower Body Yes

Side Body Yes

Full Yes

Back Yes

Stretch Yes

Evaluation Legend: Score:

Development Plan Required with Master Trainer 0.0-7.0

Mentorship Required with Master Trainer 7.1-8.5

Ready to Go, review feedback for improvement


guide for level 1.5. The footwork and dielying footwork did not count towards the jumping minutes as the feet did not leave the board. Clients come for the cardio challenge. A red spring is a bit light and focuses on the core. A Green or red/blue, is a more supportive and challenging spring for the legs. I really enjoyed the tight and effiecient transitions and continual cues to encourage proprioception and interoception for the clients in every position. Your progressions were great as well as your verbiage to give clients a safe "exit" stragegy (aka stay here) if a progression moves above their ability. Alll things we want to deliver in a level 1.5 class. I offered a few items of feedback above - but very minimal. Overall, you are clearly going to be an asset to your studio and we are happy you have joined the Club Pilates Family!

Class Type/Level: Flow 1.0

Score 1-10 Notes: Class Format Exercise Spring: Notes: Time:

Introduction 7.5 Great intro - I appreciate you asked what might be "presenting" today - missed permission for hands on/tactile feedback Warm Up FW Preset Excellent start with mindful breath, release and connection before footwork. Excellent focus on purpose of each footwork position - who its good for etc. Great reminders for spine alignment/core and connection with feet/knee alignment. Love the bony landmark cues and deep lateral breath cues throughout until "becomes natural part of your pilates practice". Several variations taught. Outstanding start! 0.58

Level Appropriate (based on rules and stability) 10.0 Stretches with theraband on top Good active stretches 360 of hip with core control and resistance. Layered into supported single leg circle. Great level 1 variation 10.18

Moved Spine in every Direction 7.5 Missed prone Bridges preset Started with a check for lowered headrest - great! Excellent start with hinge bridge. So often we have disc issues and osteoporosis in level 1 & 1.5, starting with hinges allows all clients to participate safely. Several variations -great cues for control movement from glutes - level pelvis, flat back. 15.31

Used Progressions and offered modifications 10.0 Plank Mat on box Giving options for hands or forearms will make it more inclusive for shoulder issues which do better on long lever to activate the carpal arch. Several variations - good attention to plumb line, core control and reset. Good job encouraging to reset if needed. 18.02

Warm up (footwork, bridge, abs) 10.0 Standing barre work SB barre Good layered progressions of single leg to double leg pilates V calf raises, diamond squat with open chest, pulses. Baby extension stretch at the barre 22.01

Strength & Tone (plank, upper, lower, side) 10.0 Ab work on reformer Mat work on top Ball between knees, circle in arms. Good layers with arm choreo in table top. anchored scapula, core control. We want to encourage imprint in level 1 & 1.5 before lifting in table top as they are building abdominal strength and often have a challenge stabilizing. They can stay in nuetral in level 2+ as long as they have the stability. Arms in straps varaitions without straps - added 100. Excellent transitions and progressions 25.49

Functional (Full, back) 5.0 missed prone .

Stretch (Lengthening + Centering) 10.0

Clarity and control of class 10.0 Strength & Tone

Category Y/N?

Footwork Yes

Abs Yes

Bridging Yes

Plank Yes

Upper Body Yes

Lower Body Yes

Side Body Yes

Full Yes

Back No

Transitions/Flow 10.0 Really tight purposeful movement from exercise to exercsie and aparatus to aparatus - felt like a dance Functional Feet in Straps preset Several variations -resisting in both directions, 45 degreee, focus on the heels staying connected an in one plane. Coordinating challenge - combining frogs and beats. Great cues for connection 32.41

Personality- Presentation 10.0 Fun inflection in your voice and interesting variations Arm work R or B Good choice of springs - the transition was a but slow to customize. Several variations -good attention to shoulder clients. Several layers to complex choreo - bicep curls, rollback, present to 45. Facing away - triceps, circles and lateral stretches 38.54

Sales 10.0 Great tie in - pilates to life - especially in footwork and then sprinkled throughout.

Technical Proficiency 10.0 Outstanding cues -directional, anatomical, muscular -understood where to cue to maximize each exercise.

Cued for Safety 10.0 headrest down and attention to form and balance

Attention to Form & Hands on Corrections 10.0 Cues and constant movement through studio Stretches same Saw seated straddle carraige - several shoulder and arm stretches. Great mindful ending 46.11

Creativity/FUN 10.0

Appropriate Challenge 10.0

Sign off (thank you, teaching schedule etc) 8.0 Encourging thank you at the end but Forgot invitation to next class. It might have been after the recording ended. Stretch

Overall Score: 9.3 You did an excellent job and have an incredible bank of connective cues/teaching style. You have an energetic and positive presence and a vast variety of directional, anatomical, visual and encouragement cues. I really enjoyed the tight and effiecient transitions and continual cues to encourage connections for the clients in every position. Your progressions were good as well, and you layered in verbiage to give clients a safe "exit" stragegy (aka stay with feet lightly on the bar if table top dumps into your low back) if a progression moves above their ability. All things we want to deliver in a level 1 class. I offered a few items of feedback above. The biggest hit to your score was missing the prone work. We want to do prone in every class - in level 1 it is prone nuetral position, level 1.5 baby swan and in level 2_ we can explore full extension. Overall, you are clearly an asset to your studio and we are happy you have joined the Club Pilates Family!

Evaluation Legend: Score:

Development Plan Required with Master Trainer Mentorship Required with Master Trainer Ready to Go, review feedback for improvement 0.0-7.0 7.1-8.5 8.6-10.0

Stretch Yes

Class Type/Level: Flow 1.0

Score 1-10 Notes: Class Format Exercise Spring: Notes: Time:

Footwork warm up was great - excellent cues

for breath, nuetral

spine and activation. Great continual

reminders and

discussion of ankle articulation warm up

Great personal and heels flat and how

intro - missing check in for injuries that will translate to safety in jumping.

and permission for REally dynamic cueing

Introduction 5.0 hands on corrections FW for comparrision of jumpboard vs footbar. 0.36

Level Appropriate (based on rules and stability) 10.0 Stretches

Single leg scissors with

head up. Added hands

on support after a well timed break. In the

lower levels 1 & 1.5 we

want to encourage imprint to stay out of

the low back. It is

functionally ok to work

in nuetral but most cannot control this

until level 2. Nie solid

Moved Spine in every Direction 10.0 Abs level 1.5 series 5.08

Feet on the bosu -Hinge with variations -

articulations layered in.

Great stuff beginning with the hinge - it is so

inclusive in the level

1/1.5 class where we most often run into

osteoporosis and/or

spinal/disc issues.

Glutes and hamstring focus - YES! Again

outstanding cueing

and transitions from each exercise. Good

cue you added in for

atriculation - if you dont have a healthy

spine (aka

osteoporosis/disc issues) - stay with the

Used Progressions and offered modifications 10.0 Warm Up Bridges Bosu on the mat hinge. 15.24

Great continual cueing

and reminders for

connection. I watched

the timer - you

collected everyone in

at 1 min to reset and

change feet. This is

great as compentation

sinks in after 90

seconds without a

break. The type IIa

muscle fibers fatigue at

90 & 30 seconds

respectively. So your 3

second break at 2 mins

was excellent to keep

them in connection

and not


Good variations for

stability and control.

Single leg jumping can

be heavy on RB- but

Warm up (footwork, bridge, abs) 10.0 RB jumping RB alternating keeps it managable. 6.55

Category Y/N?

Footwork Yes

Abs Yes

Bridging Yes

Plank Yes

Upper Body Yes

Strength & Tone (plank, upper, lower, side) 10.0 Plank Mat on Bosu Several variations with forearms on bosu. Gave options to be on hands on the floor for shoulder safety. Gave cues for pelvis, cervical and rib.shoulder blade control and organization - great job! For level 1.5, single arm side plank on the bosu with rotation is too unstable for the shoulder girdle. The variation can be done on a box or mat howeveer. The bosu instability with the rotation instability and the bosu puts the rotator cuff at risk which is not worth it while level 1.5 are still building in their practice. layered in bridges (broken out above), mermaid and prone nuetral layered. Nice gentle extension added. I enjoyed the layer of spine in every direction in thei bosu around the world. The 360 core and spine warmth/control flows into a more connective jumping segment. 11.03

Functional (Full, back) 10.0 Springboard wrk around the world Yellow at 7 Squats with bicep curls - you cued row with squats and this is actually my favorite pairing with the springboard squat - I usually teach it first to warm up mid back to increase control of the bicep curls - but great in either order. Master level cues for connection and control! Great reminders! Side facing rotation, side abduction with puses ­good control cues to keep out of neck. Good around the world! The sequence was 10 mins which is longer than we want for once muscular emphasis at level 1/1.5 - we dont want to overly fatigue any muscle group causing compesation or activation of dysfunctional connections - try to keep closer to 5 mins 20.49

Stretch (Lengthening + Centering) 10.0 Moon jumping Red Good set up and reminder for imprint if supine. Pelvis shoul be as close as inline with the shoulders as possible. Good cues -toe ball heel - glutes doing work, neck relaxed, powerhouse engaged, landing high - all the things we hope to acheive in jumping. Great cycling back to remind these and the breath vs holding breath. Good well timed resets. I liked the way the different sets were broken up in sidelying, moon, sidelying, cardio power series. Even though the entire series was 17 mins, it was broken up in a way to not overly fatigue. 30.3

Clarity and control of class 10.0 Strength & Tone Mid back series

Lower Body Yes

Side Body Yes

Full Yes

Back Yes

Stretch Yes