flex2 - Advanced beginner class



- Breathing Circle: Begin with a standing where everyone practices deep, diaphragmatic breathing. This sets the tone for the class and reminds everyone of the importance of breath control.

- Mat Warm-Up: Start with a short standing mat sequence (such as standing rotation in baby squat, lateral flexion, Leaning into plank posture, rolldown with breathing) to warm up the body and engage the core before moving to the reformer.

- Posture Check: Use a wall or the apparatus for a posture check, aligning the spine and engaging the powerhouse.

- Balance Challenge: Use the reformer or Springboard as a touch point for a balance challenge, such as standing on one leg marching or sit to stand.

- Pilates Box Introduction: Rolldown on blue from front of the Pilates box (shoulders and hips in alignment) using the reformer.

- Pelvic Curl on the Reformer: Begin with this exercise to warm up the spine and engage the glutes and hamstrings.

- Arm work with the Magic Circle: Use the Magic Circle for a warm-up that engages the arms and upper body.

- Standing Roll-Down: Use the reformer rail or a wall for postural feedback for a standing roll-down, warming up the spine and stretching the hamstrings.

- Breath Sync: Start with a simple exercise like footwork on the reformer ab curls, focusing on syncing breath with movement.

- Supine Scapular Stabilization: Begin with exercises that focus on stabilizing the scapulae, such as protraction/retraction or arm circles lying on the reformer.

- Standing calf raises in all positions - hands on on the Reformer footbar or ballet barre: Begin with this exercise to engage the legs and core while challenging balance.

- Pilates Stance Practice: Use the reformer or mat to practice the Pilates stance (heels together, toes apart), engaging the inner thighs and glutes. Knees tracking with 2nd toe. Small range plie as a challenge.

- Breathing: Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing to prepare the body and mind for exercise.

- Pelvic Tilts: Lying on your back, gently tilt your pelvis back and forth to warm up the lower back and engage the core.

- Imprint: Lying on your back, draw your navel towards your spine to create a slight imprint of your lower back into the mat.

- Supine Leg Slides: Lying on your back, slide one leg out straight, then slide it back in.

- Supine Leg Lifts: Lying on your back, lift one leg up towards the ceiling, then lower it back down. Abs not hip flexors.

- Reverse full-body plank bridge with legs extended over the bar. Arms by sides, calves over footbar, engage glutes to long line and breathe. Headrest down.

- Arm Circles: Standing or sitting, circle your arms to warm up the shoulders.

- Neck Stretches: Gently tilt and turn your head to stretch the neck.

- Shoulder Rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and backward to release tension.

- Spinal Twist: Sitting tall, twist your torso to one side, then the other.

- Cat-Cow: On all fours, arch your back like a cat, then dip it down like a cow.

- Bird Dog: On all fours, extend one arm and the opposite leg, then switch.

- Plank: On your hands and knees, step your feet back into a plank position or at the ballet barre.

- Standing Side-Lying Leg Lifts: Standing with the hip against the ballet barre on your side, lift your top leg up and down.

- Clamshells: Lying on your side, bend your knees and open your top knee like a clamshell.

- Seated Leg Lifts: Sitting tall, lift one leg up, then lower it back down.

- Seated Arm Raises: Sitting tall, raise your arms up and down.

- Standing Leg Lifts: Standing tall, lift one leg up, then lower it back down.

- Standing Arm Circles: Standing tall, circle your arms to warm up the shoulders.

- Standing Roll-Down: Standing tall, roll down towards the floor, then roll back up.

- Squats: Standing tall, bend your knees into a squat, then stand back up.

- Lunges: Step one foot forward into a lunge, then step back.

- Balance Practice: Stand on one leg to practice balance.

- Ankle Circles: Lift one foot and circle your ankle.

- Wrist Circles: Extend one arm and circle your wrist.

- Knee Lifts: Standing tall, lift one knee towards your chest, then lower it back down.

- Heel Raises: Lift your heels off the ground, then lower them back down.

- Toe Raises: Lift your toes off the ground, then lower them back down.

- Hip Circles: Stand with your hands on your hips and circle your hips.

- Spinal Extension and Flexion: Stand tall, arch your back to extend your spine, then round your back to flex your spine.

- Supine Knee Stirs: Lying on your back, circle one knee as if stirring a pot.

- Supine Scissor Legs: Lying on your back, alternate lifting each leg.

- Supine Windshield Wipers: Lying on your back, sway your bent knees from side to side.

- Seated Spine Stretch: Sitting tall, reach your arms forward as if stretching over a big ball.

- Standing Chest Openers: Clasp your hands behind your back, open your chest.

- Standing Hip Flexor Stretches: Step one foot back, bend the front knee to stretch the hip flexor.

- Standing Arm Swings: Swing your arms forward and back.

- Standing Pilates Roll-Up: Stand tall, roll down towards the floor, then roll back up one vertebra at a time.

- Standing Single Leg Deadlifts: Stand on one leg, hinge at the hips, then stand back up.

- Kneeling Side Reaches: Kneel on one knee, reach the opposite arm up and over for a side bend.

- Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretches: Kneel on one knee, shift your weight forward to stretch the hip flexor.

- Kneeling Arm Sweeps: Kneel tall, sweep your arms up and down.

- Kneeling Thoracic Rotations: Kneel tall, place one hand behind your head, rotate your torso.

- Tabletop Leg Extensions: Sit with your hands and feet on the mat, lift your hips into a tabletop position, extend one leg.

- Tabletop Toe Taps: Sit with your hands and feet on the mat, lift your hips into a tabletop position, tap one toe to the mat.

- High Plank Shoulder Taps: From a high plank position, tap one hand to the opposite shoulder.

- High Plank Knee Taps: From a high plank position, tap one knee to the mat.

- High Plank Leg Lifts: From a high plank position, lift one leg up and down.

- High Plank Rocking: From a high plank position, rock forward and back on your toes.

- Scapular Wall Slides: Stand with your back against a wall, slide your arms up and down.

- Scapular Push-Ups: In a plank position, keep your arms straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together, then spread them apart.

- Scapular Circles: Stand or sit tall, circle your shoulders to move your scapulae.

- Scapular Shrugs: Shrug your shoulders up towards your ears, then down and back.

- Scapular Protraction and Retraction: Stand or sit tall, push your shoulders forward (protraction), then squeeze them back (retraction).

- Scapular Clocks: Imagine a clock on your scapula and try to hit each hour with movement.

- Prone Scapular Squeezes: Lie on your stomach, lift your arms and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

- Prone Snow Angels: Lie on your stomach, move your arms like you're making a snow angel.

- Prone T's, Y's, and I's: Lie on your stomach, lift your arms into T, Y, and I shapes.

- Quadruped Scapular Squeezes: On all fours, squeeze your shoulder blades together, then spread them apart.

- Quadruped Scapular Circles: On all fours, circle your shoulders to move your scapulae.

- Quadruped Scapular Push-Ups: On all fours, keep your arms straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together, then spread them apart.

- Seated Scapular Wall Slides: Sit with your back against a wall, slide your arms up and down.

- Seated Scapular Shrugs: Sit tall, shrug your shoulders up towards your ears, then down and back.

- Seated Scapular Circles: Sit tall, circle your shoulders to move your scapulae.

- Seated Scapular Protraction and Retraction: Sit tall, push your shoulders forward (protraction), then squeeze them back (retraction).

- Standing Scapular Rows with Resistance Band: Stand tall, hold a resistance band with both hands, squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the band apart.

- Standing Scapular Push-Ups against Wall: Stand facing a wall, place your hands on the wall, keep your arms straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together, then spread them apart.

- Standing Scapular Circles with Resistance Band: Stand tall, hold a resistance band with both hands, circle your shoulders to move your scapulae.

- Standing Scapular Protraction and Retraction with Resistance Band: Stand tall, hold a resistance band with both hands, push your shoulders forward (protraction), then squeeze them back (retraction).

- Supine Scapular Squeezes on Exercise Ball: Lie on your back on an exercise ball, squeeze your shoulder blades together, then spread them apart.

- Supine Scapular Circles on Exercise Ball: Lie on your back on an exercise ball, circle your shoulders to move your scapulae.

- Supine Scapular Protraction and Retraction on Exercise Ball: Lie on your back on an exercise ball, push your shoulders forward (protraction), then squeeze them back (retraction).

- Hip Circles: Stand tall and make circles with your hips.

- Hip Hinges: Stand tall, bend at the hips, and then stand back up.

- Hip Flexor Stretches: In a lunge position, push your hips forward to stretch the hip flexors.

- Hip Abductions: Stand tall and lift one leg out to the side, then lower it.

- Hip Adductions: Stand tall and cross one leg in front of the other, then return to the starting position.

- Hip Extensions: Stand tall and kick one leg back, then lower it.

- Hip Rotations: Stand tall and rotate one hip in a circular motion.

- Squats: Stand tall, bend your knees and lower your hips, then stand back up.

- Lunges: Step forward with one foot and lower your hips, then push back up.

- Glute Bridges: Lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your hips, then lower them.

- Clamshells: Lie on your side, bend your knees, and open your top knee like a clamshell.

- Donkey Kicks: On all fours, kick one leg back and up.

- Fire Hydrants: On all fours, lift one knee out to the side.

- Bird Dogs: On all fours, extend one arm and the opposite leg, then switch.

- Side-Lying Leg Lifts: Lie on your side and lift your top leg up and down.

- Side-Lying Inner Thigh Lifts: Lie on your side, cross your top leg over, and lift your bottom leg up and down.

- Side-Lying Rainbow Legs: Lie on your side, lift your top leg and make a rainbow arc.

- Prone Leg Lifts: Lie on your stomach and lift one leg up and down.

- Prone Frog Kicks: Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, press your heels together, and lift your thighs off the mat.

- Supine Scissor Legs: Lie on your back, lift your legs, and alternate crossing them over each other.

- Supine Bicycle Legs: Lie on your back, lift your legs, and pedal them as if riding a bicycle.

- Supine Windshield Wipers: Lie on your back, lift your legs, and sway them from side to side.

- Standing Hip Flexor Stretches: Stand tall, step one foot back, bend the front knee, and push your hips forward.

- Standing Hip Extensions with Resistance Band: Stand tall, loop a resistance band around your ankles, and kick one leg back.

- Standing Hip Abductions with Resistance Band: Stand tall, loop a resistance band around your ankles, and lift one leg out to the side.

- Standing Hip Adductions with Resistance Band: Stand tall, loop a resistance band around your ankles, and cross one leg in front of the other.

- Seated Hip Flexor Stretches: Sit on the edge of a chair, extend one leg back, and lean forward.

- Seated Hip Extensions: Sit on the edge of a chair, extend one leg back, and lift it.

- Seated Hip Abductions: Sit on the edge of a chair, open your legs out to the sides, and close them.

- Seated Hip Adductions: Sit on the edge of a chair, cross one leg over the other.

- Seated Side Bends: Sitting tall, reach one arm up and over for a side bend.]

[Footwork With Weights:

- Heels on adducted parallel

- Heels on hip distance parallel

- Toes on adducted parallel

- Toes on hip distance parallel

- Pilates V toes on

- Pilates V heels on

- Wide 2nd toes on

- Wide 2nd heels on

- Prehensile

- Heel Lower and Lifts

- Running/Prancing

- Internal rotation wide V

- Internal/external rotate between wide V

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo

- Heels on adducted parallel + Elbow Taps

- Heels on adducted parallel + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Heels on adducted parallel + Bicep Curls

- Heels on adducted parallel + Wide bicep curls

- Heels on adducted parallel + Hammer Curls

- Heels on adducted parallel + Chest Press

- Heels on adducted parallel + Hug A Tree

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Elbow Taps

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Bicep Curls

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Wide bicep curls

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Hammer Curls

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Chest Press

- Heels on hip distance parallel + Hug A Tree

- Toes on adducted parallel + Elbow Taps

- Toes on adducted parallel + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Toes on adducted parallel + Bicep Curls

- Toes on adducted parallel + Wide bicep curls

- Toes on adducted parallel + Hammer Curls

- Toes on adducted parallel + Chest Press

- Toes on adducted parallel + Hug A Tree

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Elbow Taps

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Bicep Curls

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Wide bicep curls

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Hammer Curls

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Chest Press

- Toes on hip distance parallel + Hug A Tree

- Pilates V toes on + Elbow Taps

- Pilates V toes on + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Pilates V toes on + Bicep Curls

- Pilates V toes on + Wide bicep curls

- Pilates V toes on + Hammer Curls

- Pilates V toes on + Chest Press

- Pilates V toes on + Hug A Tree

- Pilates V heels on + Elbow Taps

- Pilates V heels on + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Pilates V heels on + Bicep Curls

- Pilates V heels on + Wide bicep curls

- Pilates V heels on + Hammer Curls

- Pilates V heels on + Chest Press

- Pilates V heels on + Hug A Tree

- Wide 2nd toes on + Elbow Taps

- Wide 2nd toes on + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Wide 2nd toes on + Bicep Curls

- Wide 2nd toes on + Wide bicep curls

- Wide 2nd toes on + Hammer Curls

- Wide 2nd toes on + Chest Press

- Wide 2nd toes on + Hug A Tree

- Wide 2nd heels on + Elbow Taps

- Wide 2nd heels on + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Wide 2nd heels on + Bicep Curls

- Wide 2nd heels on + Wide bicep curls

- Wide 2nd heels on + Hammer Curls

- Wide 2nd heels on + Chest Press

- Wide 2nd heels on + Hug A Tree

- Prehensile + Elbow Taps

- Prehensile + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Prehensile + Bicep Curls

- Prehensile + Wide bicep curls

- Prehensile + Hammer Curls

- Prehensile + Chest Press

- Prehensile + Hug A Tree

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Elbow Taps

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Bicep Curls

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Wide bicep curls

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Hammer Curls

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Chest Press

- Heel Lower and Lifts + Hug A Tree

- Running/Prancing + Elbow Taps

- Running/Prancing + Alt Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Running/Prancing + Bicep Curls

- Running/Prancing + Wide bicep curls

- Running/Prancing + Hammer Curls

- Running/Prancing + Chest Press

- Running/Prancing + Hug A Tree

- Internal rotation + Elbow Taps

- Internal rotation + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Internal rotation + Bicep Curls

- Internal rotation + Wide bicep curls

- Internal rotation + Hammer Curls

- Internal rotation + Chest Press

- Internal rotation + Hug A Tree

- Internal/external + Elbow Taps

- Internal/external + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Internal/external + Bicep Curls

- Internal/external + Wide bicep curls

- Internal/external + Hammer Curls

- Internal/external + Chest Press

- Internal/external + Hug A Tree

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Elbow Taps

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Bicep Curls

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Wide bicep curls

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Hammer Curls

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Chest Press

- Pilates V toes with heel lower/lift combo + Hug A Tree

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Elbow Taps

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Triceps Presses/Skull Crushers

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Bicep Curls

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Wide bicep curls

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Hammer Curls

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Chest Press

- Parallel toes adducted with heel lower/lift combo + Hug A Tree]

[Tempo and Range Elements in Footwork:

- Normal tempo + In an inch out an inch

- Normal tempo + 1/3 press out

- Normal tempo + 1/3 in from the top

- Normal tempo + Riding an elevator

- Normal tempo + Full range

- Normal tempo + Half range

- Double tempo + In an inch out an inch

- Double tempo + 1/3 press out

- Double tempo + 1/3 in from the top

- Double tempo + Riding an elevator

- Double tempo + Full range

- Double tempo + Half range

- Half tempo + In an inch out an inch

- Half tempo + 1/3 press out

- Half tempo + 1/3 in from the top

- Half tempo + Riding an elevator

- Half tempo + Full range

- Half tempo + Half range

- Three count out one count in + In an inch out an inch

- Three count out one count in + 1/3 press out

- Three count out one count in + 1/3 in from the top

- Three count out one count in + Riding an elevator

- Three count out one count in + Full range

- Three count out one count in + Half range

- One count out three count in + In an inch out an inch

- One count out three count in + 1/3 press out

- One count out three count in + 1/3 in from the top

- One count out three count in + Riding an elevator

- One count out three count in + Full range

- One count out three count in + Half range]

[Bridges - Bridge Combinations:

- Hinge + Heels/Arches Parallel

- Hinge + Heels/Arches Pilates V

- Hinge + Heels/Arches Wide 2nd

- Hinge + Toes Parallel

- Hinge + Toes Pilates V

- Hinge + Toes Wide 2nd

- Articulated + Heels/Arches Parallel

- Articulated + Heels/Arches Pilates V

- Articulated + Heels/Arches Wide 2nd

- Articulated + Toes Parallel

- Articulated + Toes Pilates V

- Articulated + Toes Wide 2nd

- Hinge Up/Articulation Down + Heels/Arches Parallel

- Hinge Up/Articulation Down + Heels/Arches Pilates V

- Hinge Up/Articulation Down + Heels/Arches Wide 2nd

- Hinge Up/Articulation Down + Toes Parallel

- Hinge Up/Articulation Down + Toes Pilates V

- Hinge Up/Articulation Down + Toes Wide 2nd

- Articulate Up/Hinge Down + Heels/Arches Parallel

- Articulate Up/Hinge Down + Heels/Arches Pilates V

- Articulate Up/Hinge Down + Heels/Arches Wide 2nd

- Articulate Up/Hinge Down + Toes Parallel

- Articulate Up/Hinge Down + Toes Pilates V

- Articulate Up/Hinge Down + Toes Wide 2nd]

[Bridges - Bridge Locations And Props:

- Reformer bar - marches

- Reformer bar with high bridge and press

- Reformer bar with low bridge and press

- Reformer bar + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Reformer bar + Ball between ankles

- Reformer bar + Magic circle around ankles

- Reformer bar + Magic circle crown over knees

- Reformer platform - marches

- Reformer platform + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Reformer platform + Ball between ankles

- Reformer platform + Magic circle around ankles

- Reformer platform + Magic circle crown over knees

- Mat - feet on box - marches

- Mat - feet on box + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Mat - feet on box + Ball between ankles

- Mat - feet on box + Magic circle around ankles

- Mat - feet on box + Magic circle crown over knees

- Mat - feet on bosu - marches

- Mat - feet on bosu + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Mat - feet on bosu + Ball between ankles

- Mat - feet on bosu + Magic circle around ankles

- Mat - feet on bosu + Magic circle crown over knees

- Mat - shoulders on bosu - marches

- Mat - shoulders on bosu + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Mat - shoulders on bosu + Ball between ankles

- Mat - shoulders on bosu + Magic circle around ankles

- Mat - shoulders on bosu + Magic circle crown over knees

- Feet on chair pedal low + Marches

- Feet on chair pedal low + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Feet on chair pedal low + Ball between ankles

- Feet on chair pedal low + Magic circle around ankles

- Feet on chair pedal low + Magic circle crown over knees

- Feet on chair pedal high + Marches

- Feet on chair pedal high + Ball squeeze pyramid (one less squeeze every bridge)

- Feet on chair pedal high + Ball between ankles

- Feet on chair pedal high + Magic circle around ankles

- Feet on chair pedal high + Magic circle crown over knees]

[Single Leg bridges:

- Heels parallel

- Toes parallel

- Heels Pilates V]

[Single Leg bridge's - gesture leg:

- Table top

- Single leg lower and lift

- Single leg rockette kick

- Pulses]

[Single Leg footwork:

- Heels parallel

- Toes parallel

- Heels pilates v

- Toes pilates v]

[Single Leg footwork - gesture leg:

- Bicycle

- Thread the needle over

- Thread the needle under

- Thread the needle over & under

- Single leg lower and lift

- Single leg rockette kick

- Single leg circle small

- Single leg circle big

- Develope

- Single leg calf raise]

[Abs - Supine Hands In Straps:

- Lower and lift + Feet lightly resting on the foot bar

- Lower and lift + Feet in tabletop

- Lower and lift + Single leg stretch

- Lower and lift with chest lift

- Lower and lift with chest lift + Feet lightly resting on the foot bar

- Lower and lift with chest lift + Feet in tabletop

- Lower and lift with chest lift + Single leg stretch

- Tricep press + Feet lightly resting on the foot bar

- Tricep press + Feet in tabletop

- Tricep press + Single leg stretch

- Tricep press with chest lift

- Tricep press with chest lift + Feet lightly resting on the foot bar

- Tricep press with chest lift + Feet in tabletop

- Tricep press with chest lift + Single leg stretch

- Tricep tap + Feet lightly resting on the foot bar

- Tricep tap + Feet in tabletop

- Tricep tap + Single leg stretch

- Tricep tap with chest lift

- Tricep tap with chest lift + Feet lightly resting on the foot bar

- Tricep tap with chest lift + Feet in tabletop

- Tricep tap with chest lift + Single leg stretch]

[Abs - Mat Abdominals On Top Of The Reformer:

- Head down, pressing through hands + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Head down, pressing through hands + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Head down, pressing through hands + Legs in table top

- Head down, pressing through hands + Single leg stretch

- Head down, pressing through hands + Scissors

- Head down, pressing through hands + Frog table top

- Head down, pressing through hands + Frog extensions

- Head down, pressing through hands + Leg lower & lift very small range

- Head down, pressing through hands + Cross cross

- Head down, pressing through hands + Open close high

- Head down, pressing through hands + Beats high

- Head down, pressing through hands + Toe taps

- Head down, pressing magic circle to thighs + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Head down, pressing magic circle to thighs + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Head down, pressing magic circle to thighs + Legs in table top

- Head down, pressing magic circle to thighs + Single leg stretch

- Head down, pressing magic circle to thighs + Frog table top

- Head down, pressing magic circle to thighs + Toe taps

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Legs in table top

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Scissors

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Frog table top

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Frog extensions

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Leg lower & lift small range

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Open close high

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Beats

- Chest lift with magic circle behind head + Toe taps

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Legs in table top

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Scissors

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Frog table top

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Frog extensions

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Leg lower & lift small range

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Cross cross

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Open close high

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Beats high

- Chest lift with hands behind head + Toe taps

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Legs in table top

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Scissors

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Frog table top

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Frog extensions

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Leg lower & lift all range

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Cross cross

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Open close high

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Beats high

- Chest lift with magic circle in hands + Toe taps

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Legs in table top

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Scissors

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Frog table top

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Frog extensions

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Leg lower & lift small range

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Cross cross

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Open close small range

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Beats high

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Toe taps

- Chest lift with pilates zombie arms + Hundreds

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Legs in table top

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Hundreds

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Scissors

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Frog table top

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Frog extensions

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Leg lower & lift

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Cross cross

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Open close

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Beats

- Chest lift fingers to temples + Toe taps

- Chest lift holding the bar + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift holding the bar + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift holding the bar + Legs in table top

- Chest lift holding the bar + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift holding the bar + Hundreds

- Chest lift holding the bar + Scissors

- Chest lift holding the bar + Frog table top

- Chest lift holding the bar + Frog extensions

- Chest lift holding the bar + Leg lower & lift

- Chest lift holding the bar + Cross cross

- Chest lift holding the bar + Open close

- Chest lift holding the bar + Beats

- Chest lift holding the bar + Toe taps

- Chest lift with rotation + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift with rotation + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift with rotation + Legs in table top

- Chest lift with rotation + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift with rotation + Frog table top

- Chest lift with rotation + Frog extensions

- Chest lift with rotation + Toe taps

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Feet lightly resting on bar

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Feet lightly resting on bar knee folds

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Legs in table top

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Single leg stretch

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Scissors

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Frog table top

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Frog extensions

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths, breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Leg lower & lift small range

- Chest lift and hold with 3 breaths breath one come up, breath 2 come up one more inch, breath one widen and flatten core + Toe taps]


- Ballet barre, Plank hold

- Ballet barre, Pilates push up

- Ballet barre, Diamond Pilates push up

- Ballet barre, Hinge back Pike to plank

- Ballet barre, Control back percussive/superman pulses, calf raises

- Ballet barre, Pilates push up finger tip to finger tip

- Ballet barre, Twisted plank

- Ballet barre, Side plank forearm on

- Ballet barre, Side plank forearm on hip dip

- Ballet barre, Side plank forearm on thread a needle

- Feet on platform, hands on carriage, plank hold

- Feet on platform, hands on carriage, super man/control back arms

- Feet on platform, hands on carriage, pike to plank

- Feet on platform, hands on carriage, twisted plank

- Feet on platform, hands on carriage, jackrabbit

- Feet on platform, hands on carriage, quadruped hover

- Hands on black side bosu, plank hold

- Hands on black side bosu, Jackrabbit back to quadruped

- Hands on black side bosu, quadruped hover

- Hands on black side bosu, twisted plank

- Hands on black side bosu, pilates push up

- Hands on box, Plank hold

- Hands on box, Pilates push up

- Hands on box, Jackrabbit back to quadruped

- Hands on box, Pike to plank

- Hands on box, Control back percussive/superman pulses

- Hands on box, Quadruped hover

- Hands on box, Twisted plank

- Hands on box, Side plank

- Hands on box, Side plank hip dip

- Hands on box, Side plank thread a needle]

[Upper body - Springboard Upper Body Facing Away:

- Arm work + Lunge

- Reverse presentation + Lunge

- Reverse snow angel + Lunge

- Chess press + Lunge

- Punches + Lunge

- Hug a tree + Lunge

- Arms lower left + Lunge

- Overhead tricep parallel + Lunge

- Overhead tricep pyramid + Lunge

- Offering + Lunge

- Single arm offering + Lunge

- Single arm presentation + Lunge

- Single arm hug a tree + Lunge

- Single arm tricep + Lunge

- Arm work + Standing upright

- Reverse presentation + Standing upright

- Reverse snow angel + Standing upright

- Chess press + Standing upright

- Punches + Standing upright

- Hug a tree + Standing upright

- Arms lower left + Standing upright

- Overhead tricep parallel + Standing upright

- Overhead tricep pyramid + Standing upright

- Offering + Standing upright

- Single arm offering + Standing upright

- Single arm presentation + Standing upright

- Single arm hug a tree + Standing upright

- Single arm tricep + Standing upright

- Arm work + Half squat

- Reverse presentation + Half squat

- Reverse snow angel + Half squat

- Chess press + Half squat

- Punches + Half squat

- Hug a tree + Half squat

- Arms lower left + Half squat

- Overhead tricep parallel + Half squat

- Overhead tricep pyramid + Half squat

- Offering + Half squat

- Single arm offering + Half squat

- Single arm presentation + Half squat

- Single arm hug a tree + Half squat

- Single arm tricep + Half squat

- Arm work + Small plié

- Reverse presentation + Small plié

- Reverse snow angel + Small plié

- Chess press + Small plié

- Punches + Small plié

- Hug a tree + Small plié

- Arms lower left + Small plié

- Overhead tricep parallel + Small plié

- Overhead tricep pyramid + Small plié

- Offering + Small plié

- Single arm offering + Small plié

- Single arm presentation + Small plié

- Single arm hug a tree + Small plié

- Single arm tricep + Small plié

- Arm work + Small Plank

- Reverse presentation + Small Plank

- Reverse snow angel + Small Plank

- Chess press + Small Plank

- Punches + Small Plank

- Hug a tree + Small Plank

- Arms lower left + Small Plank

- Overhead tricep parallel + Small Plank

- Overhead tricep pyramid + Small Plank

- Offering + Small Plank

- Single arm offering + Small Plank

- Single arm presentation + Small Plank

- Single arm hug a tree + Small Plank

- Single arm tricep + Small Plank]

[Upper body - Springboard Facing the Springboard:

- Chest expansion + Lunge

- Single arm chest expansion + Lunge

- Tricep press + Lunge

- Single arm tricep press + Lunge

- Chest expansion with cervical rotation + Lunge

- Tricep chest expansion combo + Lunge

- SideArm + Lunge

- Bicep curl + Lunge

- Narrow elbow row + Lunge

- Wide elbow row + Lunge

- Single arm row + Lunge

- Single arm row with rotation + Lunge

- Lower trap pulldown row + Lunge

- Upper trap upright row + Lunge

- Chest expansion + Standing upright

- Single arm chest expansion + Standing upright

- Tricep press + Standing upright

- Single arm tricep press + Standing upright

- Chest expansion with cervical rotation + Standing upright

- Tricep chest expansion combo + Standing upright

- SideArm + Standing upright

- Bicep curl + Standing upright

- Narrow elbow row + Standing upright

- Wide elbow row + Standing upright

- Single arm row + Standing upright

- Single arm row with rotation + Standing upright

- Lower trap pulldown row + Standing upright

- Upper trap upright row + Standing upright

- Chest expansion + Half squat

- Single arm chest expansion + Half squat

- Tricep press + Half squat

- Single arm tricep press + Half squat

- Chest expansion with cervical rotation + Half squat

- Tricep chest expansion combo + Half squat

- SideArm + Half squat

- Bicep curl + Half squat

- Narrow elbow row + Half squat

- Wide elbow row + Half squat

- Single arm row + Half squat

- Single arm row with rotation + Half squat

- Lower trap pulldown row + Half squat

- Upper trap upright row + Half squat

- Chest expansion + Full squat

- Single arm chest expansion + Full squat

- Tricep press + Full squat

- Single arm tricep press + Full squat

- Chest expansion with cervical rotation + Full squat

- Tricep chest expansion combo + Full squat

- SideArm + Full squat

- Bicep curl + Full squat

- Narrow elbow row + Full squat

- Wide elbow row + Full squat

- Single arm row + Full squat

- Single arm row with rotation + Full squat

- Lower trap pulldown row + Full squat

- Upper trap upright row + Full squat

- Chest expansion + Small plié

- Single arm chest expansion + Small plié

- Tricep press + Small plié

- Single arm tricep press + Small plié

- Chest expansion with cervical rotation + Small plié

- Tricep chest expansion combo + Small plié

- SideArm + Small plié

- Bicep curl + Small plié

- Narrow elbow row + Small plié

- Wide elbow row + Small plié

- Single arm row + Small plié

- Single arm row with rotation + Small plié

- Lower trap pulldown row + Small plié

- Upper trap upright row + Small plié

- Chest expansion + Wide 2nd squat

- Single arm chest expansion + Wide 2nd squat

- Tricep press + Wide 2nd squat

- Single arm tricep press + Wide 2nd squat

- Chest expansion with cervical rotation + Wide 2nd squat

- Tricep chest expansion combo + Wide 2nd squat

- SideArm + Wide 2nd squat

- Bicep curl + Wide 2nd squat

- Narrow elbow row + Wide 2nd squat

- Wide elbow row + Wide 2nd squat

- Single arm row + Wide 2nd squat

- Single arm row with rotation + Wide 2nd squat

- Lower trap pulldown row + Wide 2nd squat

- Upper trap upright row + Wide 2nd squat]

[Upper Body - Springboard Side Facing Arms Exercises:

- Ballet barre, Plank hold

- Single arm T press (inside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm yo ho (inside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm, internal rotation (inside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm mermaid press (inside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm shoulder press, small range (inside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm hug, a moon small range (inside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm T lift (outside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm yo ho (outside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm, external rotation (outside arm), Tall standing

- Single arm, cross punch (inside arm), Tall standing

- Standing rotation, Tall standing

- Single arm T press (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm yo ho (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm, internal rotation (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm mermaid press (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm shoulder press, small range (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm hug, a moon small range (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm T lift (outside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm yo ho (outside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm, external rotation (outside arm), Wide second squat

- Single arm, cross punch (inside arm), Wide second squat

- Standing rotation, Wide second squat

- Single arm T press (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm yo ho (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm, internal rotation (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm mermaid press (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm shoulder press, small range (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm hug, a moon small range (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm T lift (outside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm yo ho (outside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm, external rotation (outside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Single arm, cross punch (inside arm), Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles

- Standing rotation, Tall standing with ball in between inner thighs or ankles]

[Upper Body - Arm Work Facing Straps on Reformer:

- Seated on long box + Chest expansion

- Seated on long box + Chest expansion with cervical rotation

- Seated on long box + Side arm

- Seated on long box + Goal post arms

- Seated on long box + Cheerleading arms (single goal post, single side arm)

- Seated on long box + Tricep kickback

- Seated on long box + Low row

- Seated on long box + High row

- Seated on long box + Single Row with rotation

- Seated on long box + External rotations

- Seated on long box + Bicep curl wide, then high

- Seated on short box + Chest expansion

- Seated on short box + Chest expansion with cervical rotation

- Seated on short box + Side arm

- Seated on short box + Goal post arms

- Seated on short box + Cheerleading arms (single goal post, single side arm)

- Seated on short box + Tricep kickback

- Seated on short box + Low row

- Seated on short box + High row

- Seated on short box + Single Row with rotation

- Seated on short box + External rotations

- Seated on short box + Bicep curl wide, then high

- Seated on carriage + Chest expansion

- Seated on carriage + Chest expansion with cervical rotation

- Seated on carriage + Side arm

- Seated on carriage + Goal post arms

- Seated on carriage + Cheerleading arms (single goal post, single side arm)

- Seated on carriage + Tricep kickback

- Seated on carriage + Low row

- Seated on carriage + High row

- Seated on carriage + Single Row with rotation

- Seated on carriage + External rotations

- Seated on carriage + Bicep curl wide, then high

- Low kneeling + Chest expansion

- Low kneeling + Chest expansion with cervical rotation

- Low kneeling + Side arm

- Low kneeling + Goal post arms

- Low kneeling + Cheerleading arms (single goal post, single side arm)

- Low kneeling + Tricep kickback

- Low kneeling + Low row

- Low kneeling + High row

- Low kneeling + Single Row with rotation

- Low kneeling + External rotations

- Low kneeling + Bicep curl wide, then high

- High kneeling + Chest expansion

- High kneeling + Chest expansion with cervical rotation

- High kneeling + Side arm

- High kneeling + Goal post arms

- High kneeling + Cheerleading arms (single goal post, single side arm)

- High kneeling + Tricep kickback

- High kneeling + Low row

- High kneeling + High row

- High kneeling + Single Row with rotation

- High kneeling + External rotations

- High kneeling + Bicep curl wide, then high]

[Upper Body - Arm Work Facing Away From the Straps Reformer:

- Seated on long box + Chest press

- Seated on long box + Single arm punches

- Seated on long box + Hug a tree

- Seated on long box + Salute

- Seated on long box + Shave the head

- Seated on long box + Circle the globe

- Seated on long box + Presentation

- Seated on long box + Offering

- Seated on long box + Serve a tray

- Seated on short box + Chest press

- Seated on short box + Single arm punches

- Seated on short box + Hug a tree

- Seated on short box + Salute

- Seated on short box + Shave the head

- Seated on short box + Circle the globe

- Seated on short box + Presentation

- Seated on short box + Offering

- Seated on short box + Serve a tray

- Seated on carriage + Chest press

- Seated on carriage + Single arm punches

- Seated on carriage + Hug a tree

- Seated on carriage + Salute

- Seated on carriage + Shave the head

- Seated on carriage + Circle the globe

- Seated on carriage + Presentation

- Seated on carriage + Offering

- Seated on carriage + Serve a tray]

[Upper body - Arm Work Facing Sideways on the Reformer:

- Seated on long box + Rotations

- Seated on long box + Stir the pot

- Seated on long box + Internal rotation

- Seated on long box + External rotation

- Seated on long box + Yo-ho

- Seated on long box + Draw a sword

- Seated on long box + Shoulder presses

- Seated on long box + Hug a moon

- Seated on long box + Hug a tree

- Seated on short box + Rotations

- Seated on short box + Stir the pot

- Seated on short box + Internal rotation

- Seated on short box + External rotation

- Seated on short box + Yo-ho

- Seated on short box + Draw a sword

- Seated on short box + Shoulder presses

- Seated on short box + Hug a moon

- Seated on short box + Hug a tree

- Low kneeling + Rotations

- Low kneeling + Stir the pot

- Low kneeling + Internal rotation

- Low kneeling + External rotation

- Low kneeling + Yo-ho

- Low kneeling + Draw a sword

- Low kneeling + Shoulder presses

- Low kneeling + Hug a moon

- Low kneeling + Hug a tree

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Rotations

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Stir the pot

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Internal rotation

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + External rotation

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Yo-ho

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Draw a sword

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Shoulder presses

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Hug a moon

- Kneeling with ball between thighs + Hug a tree]

[Legs - Feet in straps exercises:

- Lower/lift parallel + No prop

- Lower/lift pilates V + No prop

- Lower/lift internal rotation + No prop

- Bend and stretch + No prop

- Frog + No prop

- Diamond lift/lower + No prop

- Circles + No prop

- Small circles + No prop

- Beats + No prop

- Beats lower lift + No prop

- Open close + No prop

- Open close with a smile lift + No prop

- Ovals + No prop

- Lower/lift parallel + Magic circle between ankles

- Lower/lift pilates V + Magic circle between ankles

- Lower/lift internal rotation + Magic circle between ankles

- Bend and stretch + Magic circle between ankles

- Frog + Magic circle between ankles

- Lower/lift parallel + Magic circle outside ankles

- Lower/lift pilates V + Magic circle outside ankles

- Lower/lift internal rotation + Magic circle outside ankles

- Bend and stretch + Magic circle outside ankles

- Wide Frog + Magic circle outside ankles

- Wide Diamond lift/lower + Magic circle outside ankles

- Lower/lift parallel + Ball between ankles

- Lower/lift pilates V + Ball between ankles

- Lower/lift internal rotation + Ball between ankles

- Bend and stretch + Ball between ankles

- Frog + Ball between ankles

- Diamond lift/lower + Ball between ankles]

[Legs - Standing Lunges At The Springboard:

- Straight leg lunge + Static holding ballet bar

- 90/90 lunge + Static holding ballet bar

- Scooter + Static holding ballet bar

- Side facing lateral lunge + Static holding ballet bar

- Curtsy/crossover lunge + Static holding ballet bar

- Moving with foot on the glider:

- Straight leg lunge + Moving with foot on the glider

- 90/90 lunge + Moving with foot on the glider

- Scooter + Moving with foot on the glider

- Side facing lateral lunge + Moving with foot on the glider

- Curtsy/crossover lunge + Moving with foot on the glider

- Moving with foot on the glider and purple spring on the bottom of the foot:

- Straight leg lunge + Moving with foot on the glider and purple spring on the bottom of the foot

- 90/90 lunge + Moving with foot on the glider and purple spring on the bottom of the foot

- Scooter + Moving with foot on the glider and purple spring on the bottom of the foot

- Side facing lateral lunge + Moving with foot on the glider and purple spring on the bottom of the foot

- Curtsy/crossover lunge + Moving with foot on the glider and purple spring on the bottom of the foot.]

[Legs - Sidelying Leg Presses:

- Parallel heel + Pulses (in an inch/out an inch)

- Parallel heel + Full range

- Parallel heel + Half range

- External rotation heel + Pulses (in an inch/out an inch)

- External rotation heel + Full range

- External rotation heel + Half range

- Internal rotation heel + Pulses (in an inch/out an inch)

- Internal rotation heel + Full range

- Internal rotation heel + Half range

- Parallel toe + Pulses (in an inch/out an inch)

- Parallel toe + Full range

- Parallel toe + Half range

- External rotation toe + Pulses (in an inch/out an inch)

- External rotation toe + Full range

- External rotation toe + Half range

- Internal rotation toe + Pulses (in an inch/out an inch)

- Internal rotation toe + Full range

- Internal rotation toe + Half range]

[Legs - Squats variations:

- Hands on ballet barre + Parallel squat

- Hands on ballet barre + Pilates v squat

- Hands on ballet barre + Wide second squat

- Hands on ballet barre + Parallel squat toes

- Hands on ballet barre + Pilates v squat toes

- Hands on ballet barre + Wide second squat toes

- Hands on ballet barre + 80/20 squat

- Hands on ballet barre + Single leg lunge

- Hands on ballet barre + Single leg curtsy lunge

- Hands on ballet barre + Single leg high knee floating lunge

- Hands on ballet barre + Flamingo knee open-close knee

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Parallel squat

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Pilates v squat

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Wide second squat

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Parallel squat toes

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Pilates v squat toes

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Wide second squat toes

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + 80/20 squat

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Single leg lunge

- Hands on ballet barre, feet on bosu + Single leg high knee floating lunge

- TRX + Parallel squat

- TRX + Pilates v squat

- TRX + Wide second squat

- TRX + Parallel squat toes

- TRX + Pilates v squat toes

- TRX + Wide second squat toes

- TRX + 80/20 squat

- TRX + Single leg lunge

- TRX + Single leg curtsy lunge

- TRX + Single leg high knee floating lunge

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Parallel squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Pilates v squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Wide second squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Parallel squat toes

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Pilates v squat toes

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Wide second squat toes

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + 80/20 squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, low row + Single leg lunge

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Parallel squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Pilates v squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Wide second squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Parallel squat toes

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Pilates v squat toes

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Wide second squat toes

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + 80/20 squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Single leg lunge

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, high row + Single leg curtsy lunge

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, bicep curl + Parallel squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, bicep curl + Pilates v squat

- Springboard - yellow springs at 8, bicep curl + Wide second squat]

[Reformer Lunge:

- Front Lunge: Stand facing the front of the reformer with one foot on the floor and the other foot extended behind you on the carriage. Bend your front knee and lower your back knee towards the floor, keeping your torso upright. Press through your front foot to extend your legs and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

- Side Lunge: Stand sideways to the reformer with one foot on the floor and the other foot extended on the carriage. Take a wide step to the side with your leading leg and bend your knee, lowering your hips towards the floor. Keep your torso upright and centered. Press through your leading foot to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

- Scooter - 45 degree pitch at the hips

- Scooter - standing tall]

[Side Standing exercises at the Springboard:

- Side facing lunge on the glider (mimic skaters on the reformer but on the floor)

- Side facing lunge on purple spring at 4 on the glider

- Inner thigh squeeze on purple spring at 4 on the glider

- Standing on long box at the SB, hip upslip/downslip

- Standing on long box at the SB, leg lifts

- Standing on long box at the SB, laterally rotated leg lifts

- Standing on long box at the SB, leg circles

- Standing on long box at the SB, leg rainbows

- Standing on long box at the SB, beats

- Standing on Bosu at the SB, hip upslip/downslip

- Standing on Bosu at the SB, leg lifts

- Standing on Bosu at the SB, laterally rotated leg lifts

- Standing on Bosu at the SB, leg circles

- Standing on Bosu at the SB, leg rainbows

- Standing on Bosu at the SB, beats]

[Sidelying leg over Bosu:

- Single King Breath/Mermaid x Sit

- Bend and Stretch Parallel

- Leg Circle Small In Line

- Leg Circles Small In Front Halfway

- Leg Circles Small Swept Forward

- Brush Forward/Back

- Clams

- Side Bends

- Rotation with Port de Bras

- Rotation with Attitude

- Tricep One Arm Press

- Lower and Lift Parallel

- Bend and Stretch Pilates V

- Lower and Lift Pilates V]

[Sidelying leg in spring at springboard:

- Single King Breath/Mermaid x Sit

- Bend and Stretch (Parallel)

- Leg Circle (Small, In Line)

- Leg Circles (Small, in Front, Halfway)

- Leg Circles (Small, Swept Forward)

- Brush Forward/Back

- Clams

- Side Bends

- Rotation with Port de Bras

- Rotation with Attitude

- Tricep One Arm Press

- Lower and Lift (Parallel)

- Bend and Stretch (Pilates V)

- Lower and Lift (Pilates V)]

[Sidelying leg in strap:

- Bend and stretch parallel

- Leg circle small in line

- Leg circles small in front of rail

- Leg circles small swept forward

- Brush forward/back

- Clams with strap on thigh

- Clams with strap on foot

- Lower and lift parallel

- Bend and stretch Pilates V

- Lower and lift Pilates V]

[Ab work over bosu:

- Neck Pull Prep: This exercise strengthens the core and improves spinal articulation. Hinge to articulation - hands behind head.

- Rolldown

- Seated on the edge - earthquake abs

- Rolldown to extension

- Rolldown to small crunch]

[Abs - Short Box Abdominals:

- Half hinge and hold + Holding ball in to C curve

- Half hinge and hold + Ball between inner thighs

- Half hinge and hold + Ball in hands

- Half hinge and hold + Magic circle lower & lift

- Half hinge and hold + Magic circle submarine

- Half hinge and hold + Magic Circle, top hat

- Half hinge and hold + Arms in genie

- Half hinge and hold + Arms punching fist fist

- Half hinge and hold + Hands at temples

- Half hinge with crunch + Holding ball in to C curve

- Half hinge with crunch + Ball between inner thighs

- Half hinge with crunch + Ball in hands

- Half hinge with crunch + Magic circle lower & lift

- Half hinge with crunch + Magic circle submarine

- Half hinge with crunch + Magic Circle, top hat

- Half hinge with crunch + Arms in genie

- Half hinge with crunch + Arms punching fist fist

- Half hinge with crunch + Hands at temples

- Rollback and + Holding ball in to C curve

- Rollback and + Ball between inner thighs

- Rollback and + Ball in hands

- Rollback and + Magic circle lower & lift

- Rollback and + Magic circle submarine

- Rollback and + Magic Circle, top hat

- Rollback and + Arms in genie

- Rollback and + Arms punching fist fist

- Rollback and + Hands at temples

- Roll back and crunch + Holding ball in to C curve

- Roll back and crunch + Ball between inner thighs

- Roll back and crunch + Ball in hands

- Roll back and crunch + Magic circle lower & lift

- Roll back and crunch + Magic circle submarine

- Roll back and crunch + Magic Circle, top hat

- Roll back and crunch + Arms in genie

- Roll back and crunch + Arms punching fist fist

- Roll back and crunch + Hands at temples

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Holding ball in to C curve

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Ball between inner thighs

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Ball in hands

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Magic circle lower & lift

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Magic circle submarine

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Magic Circle, top hat

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Arms in genie

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Arms punching fist fist

- Half hinge with arm open close to resist rotation + Hands at temples

- Roll back with rotation + Holding ball in to C curve

- Roll back with rotation + Ball between inner thighs

- Roll back with rotation + Ball in hands

- Roll back with rotation + Magic circle lower & lift

- Roll back with rotation + Magic circle submarine

- Roll back with rotation + Magic Circle, top hat

- Roll back with rotation + Arms in genie

- Roll back with rotation + Arms punching fist fist

- Roll back with rotation + Hands at temples

- Seated twist + Holding ball in to C curve

- Seated twist + Ball between inner thighs

- Seated twist + Ball in hands

- Seated twist + Magic circle lower & lift

- Seated twist + Magic circle submarine

- Seated twist + Magic Circle, top hat

- Seated twist + Arms in genie

- Seated twist + Arms punching fist fist

- Seated twist + Hands at temples

- Seated twist + Hands behind the back of the head

- Seated twist + Arms extended

- Seated twist + Arms in T

- Seated mermaid + Holding ball in to C curve

- Seated mermaid + Ball between inner thighs

- Seated mermaid + Ball in hands

- Seated mermaid + Magic circle lower & lift

- Seated mermaid + Magic circle submarine

- Seated mermaid + Magic Circle, top hat

- Seated mermaid + Arms in genie

- Seated mermaid + Arms punching fist fist

- Seated mermaid + Hands at temples

- Seated mermaid + Hands behind the back of the head

- Seated mermaid + Arms extended

- Seated mermaid + Arms in T

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Holding ball in to C curve

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Ball between inner thighs

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Ball in hands

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Magic circle lower & lift

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Magic circle submarine

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Magic Circle, top hat

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Arms in genie

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Arms punching fist fist

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Hands at temples

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Hands behind the back of the head

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Arms extended

- Seated mermaid with triple exhale + Arms in T

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Holding ball in to C curve

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Ball between inner thighs

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Ball in hands

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Magic circle lower & lift

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Magic circle submarine

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Magic Circle, top hat

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Arms in genie

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Arms punching fist fist

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Hands at temples

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Hands behind the back of the head

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Arms extended

- Seated twist with triple exhale + Arms in T]

[Abs - Roll Down Springboard Variations:

- Hinge half + Add rotation

- Hinge half + Add bicep curls

- Hinge half + Add pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Hinge half + Add narrow row

- Hinge half + Add wide row

- Articulation half + Add rotation

- Articulation half + Add bicep curls

- Articulation half + Add pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Articulation half + Add narrow row

- Articulation half + Add wide row

- Hinge full + Add rotation

- Hinge full + Add bicep curls

- Hinge full + Add pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Hinge full + Add narrow row

- Hinge full + Add wide row

- Articulate full + Add rotation

- Articulate full + Add bicep curls

- Articulate full + Add pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Articulate full + Add narrow row

- Articulate full + Add wide row

- Hinge down articulate up + Add rotation

- Hinge down articulate up + Add bicep curls

- Hinge down articulate up + Add pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Hinge down articulate up + Add narrow row

- Hinge down articulate up + Add wide row

- Articulate down hinge up + Add rotation

- Articulate down hinge up + Add bicep curls

- Articulate down hinge up + Add pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Articulate down hinge up + Add narrow row

- Articulate down hinge up + Add wide row]

[Combinations of Roll Down at The Reformer Variations:

- Half Hinge with straight arms

- Half Hinge with static bicep curl arms

- Half Hinge with fist to fist punch arms

- Half Hinge with dowel rod through straps

- Half Hinge with bicep curls

- Half Hinge with pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Half Hinge with wide row

- Half Hinge with overhead press (on a blue)

- Articulation to C curve with straight arms

- Articulation to C curve with static bicep curl arms

- Articulation to C curve with fist to fist punch arms

- Articulation to C curve with dowel rod through straps

- Articulation to C curve with bicep curls

- Articulation to C curve with pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Articulation to C curve with wide row

- Articulation to C curve with overhead press (on a blue)

- Articulation to rotation with straight arms

- Articulation to rotation with static bicep curl arms

- Articulation to rotation with fist to fist punch arms

- Articulation to rotation with bicep curl in the middle

- Articulation to rotation with pause and baby crunch/lift x6

- Articulation to rotation with wide row]


- Prone on Mat, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Mat, Swan

- Prone on Mat, Swimming legs

- Prone on Mat, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Mat, Glute squeezes, bent knees

- Prone on Reformer pulling straps, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Reformer pulling straps, Swan

- Prone on Reformer pulling straps, Swimming legs

- Prone on Reformer pulling straps, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Reformer tricep press, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Reformer tricep press, Swan

- Prone on Reformer tricep press, Swimming legs

- Prone on Reformer tricep press, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Reformer tricep press, Glute squeezes, bent knees

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, overhead press, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, overhead press, Swan

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, overhead press, Swimming legs

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, overhead press, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, overhead press, Glute squeezes, bent knees

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, tricep press 3 ways, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, tricep press 3 ways, Swan

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, tricep press 3 ways, Swimming legs

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, tricep press 3 ways, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Reformer hands on bar, tricep press 3 ways, Glute squeezes, bent knees

- Prone on Long box on Mat, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Long box on Mat, Swan

- Prone on Long box on Mat, Swimming legs

- Prone on Long box on Mat, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Long box on Mat, Glute squeezes, bent knees

- Prone on Bosu, forearms on floor, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Bosu, forearms on floor, Swan

- Prone on Bosu, forearms on floor, Swimming legs

- Prone on Bosu, forearms on floor, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Bosu, forearms on floor, Glute squeezes, bent knees

- Prone on Bosu, head to hands, Active legs neutral

- Prone on Bosu, head to hands on floor, Swan

- Prone on Bosu, head to hands on floor, Swimming legs

- Prone on Bosu, head to hands on floor, Frog/ diamond legs

- Prone on Bosu, head to hands on floor, Glute squeezes, bent knees]


- Supine Footwork Bridge variation, Lying on the floor with feet on the pedal, press down and release with control. This exercise helps to warm up the legs and feet. All positions.

- Single Leg Press, Lying on the floor with one foot on the pedal, press down and release with control. This exercise targets the legs individually.

- Double Leg Press, Lying on the floor with both feet on the pedal, press down and release with control. This exercise targets the legs and core.

- Frog Press, Lying on the floor with knees bent and feet on the pedal, press down and release with control. This exercise targets the legs and core.

- Seated Tricep Press, seated on the floor or box with hands on the pedal, bend and straighten the arms to press the pedal down. This exercise targets the triceps.

- Bridge Press, Lying on the floor with feet on the pedal and hips lifted into a bridge, press down and release with control. This exercise targets the glutes and hamstrings.

- Prone Arm Press, Lying prone on the long box on the floor with hands on the pedal, press down and release with control. This exercise targets the back and arms. Can add baby extension.

- Standing Leg Press, standing light spring (0,3) on one side with the top foot on the pedal, press down and release with control. Full range, half range, pulse. Balance, hand on long box end on end for balance.

- Side Lying Inner Thigh Press, Lying on one side with the bottom foot on the pedal, press down and release with control. This exercise targets the inner thighs.

- Scissors, Lying on the floor with one foot on the chair pedal and the other leg extended in the air, alternate pressing the pedal down with each foot. This exercise strengthens the legs and core.

- Spine stretch on chair, seated in front of chair. Add on bridge variations.

- Sidelying Footwork Series, Heels, Toes, and external rotation, Heels.

- Single Leg Circles, Small Circles, Large Circles.

- Sidelying Leg Presses, Frog, Single Leg Press.

- Side lying foot in strap, 3 variants.

- Single leg in strap, 3 variants.

- Single arm in strap (supine ab work), straight arm, triceps on Blue spring, add chest lift and leg extension.

- Arm Work, Bicep Curls, Tricep Press with squat at ballet barre.

- Pulling Straps, Pulling Straps, T-Pull.

- Reverse Knee Stretches, Round Back, Flat Back.

- Knee Stretches, Round Back, Flat Back.

- Short box abdominal series.

- TRX Crescendos Squat, Regular Squat, Squat with Calf Raise.

- TRX Crescendos Chest Press, Regular, Single Arm.

- TRX Crescendos Low Row, Regular, Single Arm.

- TRX Crescendos Lunge, Regular, Lunge with Knee Drive.

- TRX Crescendos Standing Plank, Regular, Plank with Knee Tucks.

- TRX Crescendos standing Mountain Climbers, Slow, Fast.

- TRX Crescendos quadruped.

- Bridge on light springs, Regular.

- Mat Side Plank, Regular, With Hip Dips.

- Mat Pike, Regular, Pike with Knee Tuck.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Plie, Regular, Plie with Heel Lift.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Battement Tendu, Front, Side.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Battement Degage, Front, Side.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Rond de Jambe, En Dehors, En Dedans.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Frappe, Front, Side.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Developpe, Front, Side.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Grand Battement, Front, Side.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Releve, Regular, Single Leg.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Arabesque, Regular, Arabesque with Battement.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Attitude, Front, Back.

- Ballet Barre Crescendos Attitude, Front, Back over bosu.]

[Stretch Variations:

- Seated Scapula Stretch: Sit on the chair with your back straight. Reach your arms forward and round your back, feeling a stretch in your scapula.

- Elevated Arm Stretch: Sit on the chair and raise one arm overhead. Bend at the elbow and let your hand drop behind your head. Use your other hand to gently pull the elbow, stretching the scapula.

- Cross-Body Arm Stretch: While sitting, cross one arm across your body at chest level. Use your other hand to gently pull the arm closer to your chest, stretching the scapula.

- Seated Twist: Sit on the chair with your back straight. Twist your torso to one side, using your opposite hand on the outside of your knee to deepen the stretch. Repeat on the other side.

- Chair Cat-Cow: Sit on the edge of the chair with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your knees. Round your back and tuck your chin to your chest (cat), then arch your back and look up (cow).

- Shoulder Rolls: Sit on the chair with your back straight. Roll your shoulders up, back, and down in a circular motion.

- Neck Stretches: Sit on the chair and gently tilt your head to one side, then the other, to stretch the neck and upper scapula muscles.

- Arm Circles: Extend your arms out to the sides and perform small, controlled circles in both directions.

- Chair Child's Pose: Stand and bend over the chair, extending your arms along the seat and resting your forehead on the top of the chair.

- Chair Pigeon Pose: Sit on the chair and cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Gently press down on the raised knee to stretch the hip and scapula muscles.

- Chair Rolldown facing back

- Chair rolldown facing front

- Seated Side Stretch: Sit on the chair, raise one arm overhead and lean to the opposite side to stretch the side of the body and the scapula.

- Seated Forward Bend: Sit on the edge of the chair, spread your legs wide, and fold forward, reaching your hands towards the floor.

- Chair Thread the Needle: Sit on the chair, extend one arm out to the side, then thread it under the other arm, rotating your torso.

- Chair Eagle Arms: Sit on the chair, cross one arm under the other at the elbows, then twist your forearms and press your palms together in eagle arms pose.

- Chair Cow Face Arms: Sit on the chair, reach one arm up and bend it behind your head. Reach the other arm behind your back and try to clasp your fingers together.

- Seated Spinal Twist: Sit on the chair, cross one leg over the other, place the opposite elbow on the outside of the raised knee, and twist your torso.

- Chair Extended Puppy Pose: Stand and bend over the chair, extending your arms along the seat and pushing your chest towards the floor.

- Chair Downward Dog: Stand and bend over the chair, placing your hands on the top of the chair and pushing your hips back.

- Chair Upward Dog: Sit on the edge of the chair, place your hands on the sides of the chair, and arch your back, looking up.

- Chair Warrior I Arms: Sit on the chair, raise your arms overhead, and interlace your fingers, stretching the scapula and chest muscles.

- TRX Scapula Stretch: Stand facing the TRX, grasp the handles and lean back, extending your arms forward. Allow your chest to sink towards the floor to stretch your scapula.

- TRX Chest Stretch: Stand facing away from the TRX, extend your arms out to the sides and hold the handles. Lean forward, allowing the TRX to pull your arms back and open your chest.

- TRX Overhead Stretch: Stand facing the TRX, grasp the handles and extend your arms overhead. Lean forward, allowing the TRX to pull your arms back.

- TRX Cross-Body Arm Stretch: Stand sideways to the TRX, grasp one handle with the hand furthest from it and extend your arm across your body. Turn your body away from the TRX to deepen the stretch.

- TRX Low Row: Stand facing the TRX, lean back and hold the handles with your arms extended. Pull your body up by drawing your elbows back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

- TRX Y Fly: Stand facing the TRX, lean back and hold the handles with your arms extended overhead in a 'Y' shape. Lower your body by extending your arms, then pull your body up by drawing your arms down and back.

- TRX T Fly: Stand facing the TRX, lean back and hold the handles with your arms extended out to the sides. Lower your body by bringing your arms together in front of you, then pull your body up by drawing your arms back out to the sides.

- TRX I Fly: Stand facing the TRX, lean back and hold the handles with your arms extended straight overhead. Lower your body by bringing your arms down in front of you, then pull your body up by drawing your arms back overhead.

- TRX Roll Out: Stand facing away from the TRX, hold the handles at chest height and lean forward, extending your arms in front of you. Use your scapula and core muscles to pull your body back to the starting position.

- TRX Shoulder Stretch: Stand facing the TRX, grasp one handle with both hands and lean back, allowing the TRX to pull your arm up and back, stretching the shoulder and scapula muscles.

- TRX Tricep Stretch: Stand facing the TRX, grasp one handle with one hand and bend your elbow, allowing the TRX to pull your arm up and back, stretching the tricep and scapula muscles.

- TRX Bicep Stretch: Stand facing away from the TRX, grasp one handle with one hand and extend your arm behind you, allowing the TRX to pull your arm back, stretching the bicep and scapula muscles.

- TRX Squat and Row: Stand facing the TRX, hold the handles and sit back into a squat. As you stand, pull your body up by drawing your elbows back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

- TRX Single Arm Row: Stand facing the TRX, hold one handle with one hand and lean back. Pull your body up by drawing your elbow back, squeezing your shoulder blade towards your spine.

- TRX Single Arm Stretch: Stand sideways to the TRX, grasp one handle with the hand furthest from it and lean away, extending your arm across your body. Turn your body away from the TRX to deepen the stretch.

- TRX Chest Press: Stand facing away from the TRX, hold the handles at chest height with your palms facing down. Push your body away from the TRX by extending your arms, engaging the chest and scapula muscles.

- TRX Scapular Push-Up: Assume a push-up position with your hands on the TRX handles and your body in a straight line. Lower your chest towards the TRX, then press back up, focusing on retracting and protracting your scapulae.

- TRX Scapular Pull-Up: Stand facing the TRX, lean back and hold the handles with your arms extended overhead. Pull your body up by drawing your shoulder blades down and back, engaging the scapula muscles.

- Reformer Scapula Press: Lie on the Reformer carriage facing up, with your feet on the footbar. Hold the straps and press your arms down towards your hips, engaging the scapula muscles.

- Reformer Scapula Squeeze: Lie on the Reformer carriage facing up, with your arms extended overhead and holding the straps. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, engaging the scapula muscles.

- Reformer Arm Circles: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing the footbar, with your legs extended. Hold the straps and perform small circles with your arms, focusing on scapula stability and control.

- Reformer Chest Expansion: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing the footbar, holding the straps. Open your arms wide to the sides, engaging the scapula muscles and stretching the chest.

- Reformer Reverse Arm Circles: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing away from the footbar, with your legs extended. Hold the straps and perform circles with your arms in the reverse direction, focusing on scapula stability.

- Reformer Single Arm Pull: Lie on the Reformer carriage facing down, with one arm extended forward and holding the strap. Pull the strap back, engaging the scapula muscles on the pulling arm.

- Reformer Swan: Lie on the Reformer carriage facing down, holding the straps. Lift your upper body and extend your arms forward, focusing on scapula stability and control.

- Reformer Lat Pull Down: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing the footbar, holding the straps with your arms extended overhead. Pull the straps down towards your hips, engaging the scapula muscles.

- Reformer Arm Circles with Springs: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing the footbar, with your legs extended. Hold the springs and perform circles with your arms, focusing on scapula stability and control.

- Reformer Scapula Release with Roll Back: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing the footbar, with your legs extended. Hold the straps and roll back, allowing the scapula to release and relax.

- Reformer Arm Circles with Bar: Sit on the Reformer carriage facing the footbar, with your legs extended. Hold the bar and perform circles with your arms, focusing on scapula stability and control.

- Reformer Scapula Massage: Lie on the Reformer carriage facing down, with your arms hanging over the shoulder rests. Move your arms in a gentle rocking motion, allowing the scapula to relax and release tension.

- Barre Pigeon Stretch: Stand and hold the barre, cross the opposite ankle over the knee. Lean forward to deepen the stretch in the hip and glutes.

- Barre Quad Stretch: Stand facing the barre, grab an ankle and bring it towards your glutes to stretch the quadriceps.

- Barre Calf Stretch: Step one foot back and drop the heel down to stretch the calf muscles.

- Barre Plié Stretch: Stand facing the barre with feet wider than hip-width apart, bend the knees and sink into a plié while pressing the hips back to stretch the inner thighs.

- Barre Hamstring Stretch: Stand facing the barre, place one foot on the barre and hinge forward at the hips, reaching towards the toes to stretch the hamstrings.

- Barre Quad Stretch: Stand facing the barre, grab one foot and bring it towards your glutes while keeping the knees close together to stretch the quadriceps.

- Barre Calf Stretch: Stand facing the barre with one foot forward and the other foot back, press the back heel down to stretch the calf muscles.

- Barre Hip Flexor Stretch: Stand facing the barre, place one foot on the barre and lunge forward, keeping the back leg straight to stretch the hip flexors.

- Springboard Lunge Stretch: Stand facing the Springboard, place one foot on the platform and lunge forward, keeping the back leg straight to stretch the hip flexors.

- Springboard Hamstring Stretch: Lie on your back with one foot in the foot straps, extend the leg up towards the ceiling to stretch the hamstrings.

- Springboard Adductor Stretch: Sit on the floor facing the Springboard, place the soles of your feet on the foot straps and let your knees fall out to the sides, gently pressing down to stretch the inner thighs.

- Springboard Calf Stretch: Stand facing the Springboard, place the ball of one foot on the platform and drop the heel down to stretch the calf muscles.

- Springboard Glute Stretch: Lie on your back with one foot in the foot straps, cross the ankle over the opposite knee and gently pull the knee towards your chest to stretch the glutes.

- Mat Standing Forward Fold: Stand with feet hip-width apart, hinge forward at the hips and reach towards the floor to stretch the hamstrings and lower back.

- Mat Butterfly Stretch: Sit on the mat with the soles of your feet together, gently press down on your knees to stretch the inner thighs.

- Mat Quad Stretch: Lie on your side, bend the bottom knee and grab the ankle with the hand of the top leg, gently pulling the heel towards the glutes to stretch the quadriceps.

- Mat Seated Forward Fold: Sit with legs extended, hinge forward at the hips and reach towards your toes to stretch the hamstrings and lower back.

- Mat Hip Opener Stretch: Lie on your back, cross one ankle over the opposite knee and gently press the knee away from your body to stretch the hip and glutes.

- Hamstring Stretch: Lie on your back with the magic circle around the ball of your foot. Straighten your leg and gently press against the circle to engage your hamstrings and deepen the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch legs.

- Quadriceps Stretch: Stand tall and hold the magic circle with one hand. Bend your knee and bring your foot towards your glutes. Place the magic circle around your foot and gently press against it to engage your quadriceps and deepen the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch legs.

- Inner Thigh Stretch: Sit on the floor with your legs extended in a wide V-shape. Place the magic circle between your feet and hold it with both hands. Gently press against the circle to activate your inner thigh muscles and enhance the stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

- Standing Calf Stretch: Stand facing a wall, with one foot positioned in front and the other foot placed back. Wrap the magic circle around the ball of your back foot and grasp it with both hands. Lean forward, allowing your back heel to lower while utilizing the circle for resistance to elongate your calf muscles. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then switch legs.

- IT Band Stretch: Lie on your side, and secure the magic circle around your top foot. Straighten your leg and exert gentle pressure against the circle to engage your outer thigh muscles and stretch your IT band. Maintain the stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute before switching sides.

- Standing Hamstring Stretch: Stand tall with one foot slightly forward and the other foot positioned back. Position the magic circle around the ball of your back foot, holding it with both hands. Hinge forward from your hips, maintaining a straight back, and press against the circle to activate your hamstring muscles and deepen the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then switch legs.

- Seated Forward Fold: Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Place the magic circle around the soles of your feet, grasping it with both hands. Fold forward from your hips, utilizing the circle for resistance to engage your hamstrings, and intensify the stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

- Butterfly Stretch: Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together, forming a butterfly shape with your legs. Hold the magic circle with both hands and position it around your feet. Apply gentle pressure against the circle to activate your inner thigh muscles and enhance the stretch. Maintain the stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

- Standing Quad Stretch: Stand upright and grasp the magic circle with one hand. Bend one knee, bringing your foot towards your glutes. Place the magic circle around your foot and press against it to engage your quadriceps and deepen the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then switch legs.

- Lying Hamstring Stretch: Lie on your back with the magic circle secured around the ball of your foot. Extend your leg towards the ceiling and exert pressure against the circle to engage your hamstrings and intensify the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then switch legs.]


- Traditional Roll Down: Start standing tall, slowly articulate your spine as you roll down one vertebra at a time, reaching your hands towards the floor. Roll back up to standing.

- Roll Down with Shoulder Blade Slide: As you roll down, focus on sliding your shoulder blades down your back, creating length and openness in your upper back.

- Roll Down with Arm Circles: Circle your arms out to the sides as you roll down, and reverse the circles as you roll back up.

- Roll Down with Side Bend: Add a side bend at the bottom of your roll down, reaching one hand towards the floor and the other hand overhead. Roll back up and switch sides.

- Roll Down with Spinal Twist: Twist your torso to one side at the bottom of your roll down, reaching one hand towards the opposite foot. Roll back up and switch sides.

- Roll Down with Hip Hinge: Incorporate a hip hinge at the bottom of your roll down, allowing your hips to hinge back as you reach your hands towards the floor. Engage your hamstrings and glutes to roll back up.

- Roll Down with Calf Stretch: Place one foot on a step or raised surface at the bottom of your roll down, allowing for a calf stretch. Alternate the foot placement with each repetition.

- Roll Down with Heel Lifts: Lift your heels off the floor as you roll down, engaging your calf muscles. Lower your heels as you roll back up.

- Roll Down with Squat: Perform a deep squat at the bottom of your roll down, keeping your heels grounded. Use your leg muscles to push back up to standing.

- Roll Down with Arm Reaches: Reach your arms forward and overhead as you roll down, emphasizing lengthening through your spine. Lower your arms as you roll back up.

- Roll Down with Oblique Reach: Add an oblique reach to each side at the bottom of your roll down, reaching one hand towards the floor and the other hand overhead. Alternate the sides with each repetition.

- Roll Down with Chest Opener: Interlace your fingers behind your back and lift your arms overhead as you roll down, opening your chest. Release your arms and roll back up.

- Roll Down with Forward Fold: Bend your knees deeply at the bottom of your roll down and fold your torso over your thighs, allowing for a deep forward fold. Straighten your legs and roll back up.

- Roll Down with Breath Hold: Hold your breath at the bottom of your roll down for a few seconds, focusing on deepening your stretch and connection to your core. Exhale as you roll back up.

- Roll Down with Core Activation: Engage your core muscles strongly as you roll down and maintain the activation throughout the movement. This can be done by imagining your belly button drawing towards your spine.

- Roll Down with Toe Taps: Tap one foot forward and back as you roll down, alternating the foot with each repetition. This adds a balance and coordination challenge.

- Roll Down with Head Nod: Nod your head forward and back as you roll down, emphasizing the articulation of your upper spine. Keep your neck relaxed and in line with your spine.

- Roll Down with Side Leg Lifts: Lift one leg to the side at the bottom of your roll down, engaging your hip abductor muscles. Lower your leg and roll back up, switching sides.

- Roll Down with Arm Floats: Float your arms up and down like wings as you roll down, creating a sense of lightness and fluidity in your movement.

- Roll Down with Lateral Flexion: Perform a lateral flexion to each side at the bottom of your roll down, reaching one hand towards the floor and the other hand overhead. Alternate the sides with each repetition.

- Roll Down with Reverse Tuck: Tuck your tailbone under and engage your core muscles strongly as you roll down, emphasizing the posterior chain activation. Roll back up with control.

- Roll Down with Side Plank: Hold a side plank at the bottom of your roll down, with one hand on the floor and the other arm reaching towards the ceiling. Roll back up and switch sides.

- Roll Down with Wrist Circles: Circle your wrists in both directions as you roll down, promoting wrist mobility and releasing tension in the wrists.

- Roll Down with Arm Extensions: Extend your arms forward and out to the sides as you roll down, creating a sense of expansion and space in your upper body.

- Roll Down with Leg Slides: Slide one leg forward and back along the floor as you roll down, alternating the leg with each repetition. This adds a dynamic leg movement to the exercise.

- Roll Down with Chest Press: Hold a chest press with resistance bands or hand weights at the bottom of your roll down, engaging your chest and arm muscles. Release the resistance and roll back up.

- Roll Down with Head Circles: Circle your head slowly in both directions as you roll down, releasing tension in your neck and promoting cervical mobility.

- Roll Down with Ballet Arms: Perform ballet-inspired arm movements, such as port de bras or rounded arms, as you roll down, adding grace and elegance to the movement.

- Roll Down with Hula Hoop Motion: Circle your hips in a hula hoop motion at the bottom of your roll down, activating your core and hip muscles. Roll back up with control.

- Roll Down with Arm Waves: Wave your arms up and down like ocean waves as you roll down, emphasizing the fluidity and wave-like motion of your spine.

- Roll Down with Single Leg Balance: Lift one leg off the floor and balance on the other leg at the bottom of your roll down, challenging your balance and stability. Switch legs and roll back up.

- Roll Down with Figure 8 Arm Movements: Trace a figure 8 pattern with your arms as you roll down, incorporating arm movements that cross over your body.

- Roll Down with Mindful Breath: Focus on deep, mindful breathing throughout your roll down, coordinating your breath with the movement to enhance relaxation and release tension.

- Roll Down with Pelvic Tilts: Perform pelvic tilts at the bottom of your roll down, tilting your pelvis forward and back to enhance the stretch and engagement of your core muscles.

- Roll Down with Knee Lifts: Lift one knee towards your chest at the bottom of your roll down, engaging your hip flexors and abdominals. Lower your leg and roll back up, switching sides.

- Roll Down with Shoulder Shrugs: Shrug your shoulders up towards your ears and release them down as you roll down, releasing tension and promoting relaxation in your shoulder muscles.

- Roll Down with Resistance Band Pull-Aparts: Hold a resistance band in front of you and perform pull-aparts as you roll down, engaging your back muscles. Release the band and roll back up.

- Roll Down with Dynamic Arm Swings: Swing your arms dynamically from side to side as you roll down, adding a dynamic arm movement to the exercise.

- Roll Down with Pelvic Floor Engagement: Focus on engaging your pelvic floor muscles at the bottom of your roll down, deepening your connection to your core and enhancing stability.

- Roll Down with Cross Body Reaches: Reach one hand towards the opposite foot at the bottom of your roll down, incorporating diagonal reaches to engage your oblique muscles. Alternate sides with each repetition.

- Roll Down with Standing Cat-Cow: Perform a standing cat-cow movement at the bottom of your roll down, rounding and arching your spine to promote spinal mobility and release tension.

- Roll Down with Ballet]


- "Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness."

- "Change happens through movement and movement heals."

- "You are only as young as your spine is flexible."

- "Physical fitness can neither be achieved by wishful thinking nor outright purchase."

- "In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body."

- "A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion."

- "Contrology is not a system of haphazard exercises designed to produce only bulging muscles."

- "The acquirement and enjoyment of physical well-being, mental calm and spiritual peace are priceless to their possessors."

- "Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor."

- "Not only is health a normal condition, but it is our duty to not only attain it but to maintain it."

- "Physical fitness can neither be acquired by wishful thinking nor by outright purchase."

- "You will feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions, and have a completely new body in 30 sessions."

- "I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world should be doing my exercises. They'd be happier."

- "True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed."

- "To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life, we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limits of our ability."

- "Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness."

- "The mind, when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power."

- "Correctly executed and mastered to the point of subconscious reaction, these exercises will reflect grace and balance in your routine activities."

- "Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control."

- "Above all, learn how to breathe correctly."

- "You will feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions, and have a completely new body in 30 sessions."

- "Ideally, our muscles should obey our will. Reasonably, our will should not be dominated by the reflex actions of our muscles."

- "If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young."

- "Breathing is the first act of life and the last."

- "Through the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning, this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind, and spirit can ever be attained."]